Rachie, K. O.    

Firstname:K. O. 

23 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Effect of genotype and enviroment on yield and some agronomic characteristics of cowpea, Nangju, D. and Rachie, K. O., 1977.


Reduction in seed size in crosses between wild and cultivated cowpeas, Rawal, K.M., Franckowiak, J. D. and Rachie, K. O., in: Journal of Heredity, volume 67, pages 253-254, ISSN 0022-1503, 1976.
Integrated approaches to improving cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp, Rachie, K. O. and Rawal, K.M., in: IITA Technical Bulletin, volume 5, pages 1-36, 1976.


Two outcrossing mechanisms in cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp, Rachie, K. O., Rawal, K.M., Franckowiak, J. D. and Akinpelu, A. O.*, in: Euphytica, volume 24, pages 159-163, ISSN 0014-2336, 1975.
Grain legumes of the lowland tropics, Rachie, K. O. and Roberts, L. M., in: Advances in Agronomy, volume 26, pages 1-134, ISSN 0065-2113, 1975.
A rapid method of hand crossing cowpeas, Rachie, K. O., Rawal, K.M. and Franckowiak, J. D., in: IITA Technical Bulletin, volume 2, pages 1-5, 1975.
The Nutritional role of grain legumes in the lowland humid tropics, Rachie, K. O., IITA, 1975.
Goals and progress in GLIP - June 1975, Rachie, K. O., in: Proceedings of IITA Collaborators' Meeting on Grain Legume Improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 1-5, 1975.
Pigeon peas and miscellaneous beans, Rachie, K. O., in: Proceedings of IITA Collaborators' Meeting on Grain Legume Improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 21-26, 1975.


Grain legume improvement at IITA, Luse, R. A. and Rachie, K. O., in: ASEAN grain legumes: papers presented at the First ASEAN Workshop on Grain Legumes held at Kopo (Cisarua), Bogor, Indonesia, 15-20 January 1974, edited by Mien A. Rifai, 1974.
Progress report on cowpea population improvement at IITA, Rawal, K.M. and Rachie, K. O., 1974.
Grain legumes of the lowland tropics, Rachie, K. O. and Roberts, L. M., in: Advances in Agronomy, volume 26, pages 1-132, ISSN 0065-2113, 1974. [DOI]
Observation on winged bean (P sophocarpus tetragonololus D.C.) at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Rachie, K. O., 1974.
The case for studying improving grain legumes for the humid lowland tropics, Rachie, K. O., 1974.


Highlight of grain legume improvement at IITA, Rachie, K. O., in: Proceedings of the First IITA Grain Legume Improvement Workshop, held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, 29 October-2 November, 1973, pages 1-14, 1973.

Publications as Editor


Entomological reearch on soybeans in Africa, Jackai, L. and Singh, S. R., pages 17-24, John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
West and Central Africa: Nigeria sets example for expansion of soybeans, Root, W. R., Oyekan, P. and Dashiell, K., pages 81-85, John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
Soybean research and development in India, Singh, B., pages 111-118, John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
Breeding soybeans for the Tropics., Dashiell, K., Bello, L. L. and Root, W. R., pages 3-16, John Wiley & Sons, 1987.


Nematological studies worldwide, Caveness, F. E. and Ogunfowora, O., in: Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization, 1985.
Worldwide occurrence and distribution of virus diseases, Thottappilly, G. and Rossel, H. W., in: Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization, pages 115-171, 1985.


Studies in relation to Maruca testulalis, Usua, E. J.*, in: Proceedings of IITA Collabortors' Meeting on Grain Lgume Improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 52-54, 1975.
Lima bean breeding program, Baudoin, J.P., in: Proceedings of IITA collabortors meeting on grain legume improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 27-28, 1975.