Rachie, K. O.
23 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Author
1977 |
Effect of genotype and enviroment on yield and some agronomic characteristics of cowpea, Nangju, D. and Rachie, K. O., 1977. | 1976 |
Reduction in seed size in crosses between wild and cultivated cowpeas, Rawal, K.M., Franckowiak, J. D. and Rachie, K. O., in: Journal of Heredity, volume 67, pages 253-254, ISSN 0022-1503, 1976. | |
Integrated approaches to improving cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp, Rachie, K. O. and Rawal, K.M., in: IITA Technical Bulletin, volume 5, pages 1-36, 1976. | 1975 |
Two outcrossing mechanisms in cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp, Rachie, K. O., Rawal, K.M., Franckowiak, J. D. and Akinpelu, A. O.*, in: Euphytica, volume 24, pages 159-163, ISSN 0014-2336, 1975. | |
Grain legumes of the lowland tropics, Rachie, K. O. and Roberts, L. M., in: Advances in Agronomy, volume 26, pages 1-134, ISSN 0065-2113, 1975. | |
A rapid method of hand crossing cowpeas, Rachie, K. O., Rawal, K.M. and Franckowiak, J. D., in: IITA Technical Bulletin, volume 2, pages 1-5, 1975. | |
The Nutritional role of grain legumes in the lowland humid tropics, Rachie, K. O., IITA, 1975. | |
Goals and progress in GLIP - June 1975, Rachie, K. O., in: Proceedings of IITA Collaborators' Meeting on Grain Legume Improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 1-5, 1975. | |
Pigeon peas and miscellaneous beans, Rachie, K. O., in: Proceedings of IITA Collaborators' Meeting on Grain Legume Improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 21-26, 1975. | 1974 |
Grain legume improvement at IITA, Luse, R. A. and Rachie, K. O., in: ASEAN grain legumes: papers presented at the First ASEAN Workshop on Grain Legumes held at Kopo (Cisarua), Bogor, Indonesia, 15-20 January 1974, edited by Mien A. Rifai, 1974. | |
Progress report on cowpea population improvement at IITA, Rawal, K.M. and Rachie, K. O., 1974. | |
Grain legumes of the lowland tropics, Rachie, K. O. and Roberts, L. M., in: Advances in Agronomy, volume 26, pages 1-132, ISSN 0065-2113, 1974. [DOI] | |
Observation on winged bean (P sophocarpus tetragonololus D.C.) at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Rachie, K. O., 1974. | |
The case for studying improving grain legumes for the humid lowland tropics, Rachie, K. O., 1974. | 1973 |
Highlight of grain legume improvement at IITA, Rachie, K. O., in: Proceedings of the First IITA Grain Legume Improvement Workshop, held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, 29 October-2 November, 1973, pages 1-14, 1973. |
Publications as Editor
1987 |
Entomological reearch on soybeans in Africa, Jackai, L. and Singh, S. R., pages 17-24, John Wiley & Sons, 1987. | |
West and Central Africa: Nigeria sets example for expansion of soybeans, Root, W. R., Oyekan, P. and Dashiell, K., pages 81-85, John Wiley & Sons, 1987. | |
Soybean research and development in India, Singh, B., pages 111-118, John Wiley & Sons, 1987. | |
Breeding soybeans for the Tropics., Dashiell, K., Bello, L. L. and Root, W. R., pages 3-16, John Wiley & Sons, 1987. | 1985 |
Nematological studies worldwide, Caveness, F. E. and Ogunfowora, O., in: Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization, 1985. | |
Worldwide occurrence and distribution of virus diseases, Thottappilly, G. and Rossel, H. W., in: Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization, pages 115-171, 1985. | 1975 |
Studies in relation to Maruca testulalis, Usua, E. J.*, in: Proceedings of IITA Collabortors' Meeting on Grain Lgume Improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 52-54, 1975. | |
Lima bean breeding program, Baudoin, J.P., in: Proceedings of IITA collabortors meeting on grain legume improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 27-28, 1975. |
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