Duke, W. B.    

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Publications as Author


Weed interference in maize, cowpea, maize/cowpea intercrop in a subhumid tropical environment. II. Early growth and nutrient content of Crops and weeds, Ayeni, A. O., Akobundu, I. and Duke, W. B., in: Weed Research, volume 24, pages 281-290, ISSN 0043-1737, 1984.
Weed interference in maize, cowpea, maize/cowpea intercrop in a subhumid tropical environment. I. Influence of cropping season, Ayeni, A. O., Duke, W. B. and Akobundu, I., in: Weed Research, volume 24, pages 269-279, ISSN 0043-1737, 1984.
Weed interference in maize, cowpea, maize/cowpea intercrop in a subhumid tropical environment. III. Influence of land preparation, Ayeni, A. O., Duke, W. B. and Akobundu, I., in: Weed Research, volume 24, pages 439-448, 1984.