Mathys, G.    

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Publications as Editor


Insect pest surveys on cowpea (Vigra unguiculata Walp) and the possible effects of some climatic factors on the population trends of the legume pod borer and pod suscking bugs, Jackai, L., World Meteorological Organization, 1987.
Microclimate and insect pests population in mono and intercropped cowpea (Virgna unguiculata, Walp), Lawson, T. L. and Jackai, L., in: Proceedings of the Seminar on Agronometeorology and Crop Protection in the Lowland Humid and Sub-humid Tropics, pages 231-244, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 1987.
Effect of climate on response to nitrogen and insect infestation in irrigated rice, Nguu, N. Van,, Alam, M. S. and Lawson, T. L., in: Proceedings of the Seminar on Agronometeorology and Crop Protection in the Lowland Humid and Sub-humid Tropics, pages 107-114, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 1987.