Ng, N.G.    

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Publications as Author


Improved Technology for Seed Yam Production, Otoo, J., Osiru, D.* and Ng, N.G., in: IITA, Ibadan, pages -56 p., 1987.


Rice genetic resources collection and conservation activities in Africa -the programs of IITA,WARDA, IRAT and ORSTROM, Ng, N.G., Abifarin, A. O., Jacquot, M., Goli, K. and Miezan, K., in: In proceedings of the 1983 Rice Germplasm Conservation Workshop, los Banos: IRRI and IBPGR, pages 45-52, 1983.


Morphological studies of Asian rice and its related wild species and the recognition of a new Australian taxon, Ng, N.G., Chang, T. T., Williams, J. T. and Hawkes, J. G., in: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, volume 83, ISSN 0024-4074, 1981.
Notes for routine germination test of rice and cowpea germplasm for germplasm for conservation and distribution and the preparation of the seeds for long term conservation at Genetic Resources Unit, Ng, N.G., in: IITA, pages -9 pp, 1981.