Moormann, F. R.    

Firstname:F. R. 

11 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Present land use and cropping systems in Africa, Moormann, F. R. and Juo, A. S. R., pages 187-194, 1986.


Characteristics of Two Soil Toposequences in Southeastern Nigeria and Their Relation to Potential Agricultural Land Use, Juo, A. S. R. and Moormann, F. R., 1978.
Classification of land for its use capability and conservation requirements, Moormann, F. R., in: FAO Soils Bulletin, volume 24, pages 230-234, 1978.
Land and rice in Africa: constraints and potentials, Moormann, F. R. and Veldkamp, W. J., in: Rice in Africa: proceedings of a conference held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, 7-11 March, 1977, pages 29-43, Academic Press, London, UK, 1978.
Microvariability of soils in the tropics and its agronomic implications with special reference to west Africa, Moormann, F. R. and Kang, B. T., pages 29-44, chapter 3, American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America, ISBN 0-89118-055-9, 1978.


Clay mineralogy of seleted soils in southern Nigeria, Gallez, A., Juo, A. S. R., Herbillon, A. J. and Moormann, F. R., in: Soil Science Society of America Journal, volume 39, number 3, pages 577-585, ISSN 0361-5995, 1975. [DOI]
Root crop/oil palm farming systems: a case study from Eastern Nigeria, Lagemann, J, Flinn, J. C., Okigbo, B. and Moormann, F. R., pages 1-37, IITA, 1975.
The soils of IITA, Moormann, F. R., Lal, R. and Juo, A. S. R., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 1975.
Classification of conditions under which rice is grown in the tropics with special reference to mechanization in West Africa: proceedings of Report on the Expert Consultation Meeting on the Mechanization of Rice Production, held at IITA, 10 - 14 June, 1974, Moormann, F. R., Curfs, H. P. and Ballaux, J.C., in: Report on the Expert Consultation Meeting on the Mechanization of Rice Production, held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 10 - 14 June, 1974, pages 55-60, 1975.


Les sols de l'Asie topicale humide, Dudal, R. F., Moormann, F. R. and Riquier, J., in: UNESCO Series on Research on the National Resources, volume 12, pages 173-192, 1974.
Forms and pedogenetic distribution of extractable iron and aluminum in selected soils of Nigeria, Juo, A. S. R., Moormann, F. R. and Maduakor, H. O., in: Geoderma, volume 11, number 3, pages 167-179, ISSN 0016-7061, 1974. [DOI]