Fox, R. L.    

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6 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Nutritional complexities with pH variables in humid tropical soils, Fox, R. L., Saidy, N. A., Yost, R.S. and Kang, B., in: Soil Science Society American Journal, volume 49, number 6, pages 1475-1480, ISSN 0361-5995, 1985. [DOI]


A methodology for evaluating the manganese tolerance of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata and some preliminary results of field trials, Kang, B. T. and Fox, R. L., in: Field Crops Research, volume 3, pages 199-210, 1980.


Influence of phosphoros fertilizer placement and fertilization rate on maize nutrition, Fox, R. L. and Kang, B. T., in: Soil Science, volume 125, number 1, pages 34-40, ISSN 0038-075X, 1978.


Some major fertility problems of tropical soils, Fox, R. L. and Kang, B. T., 1976.


Protein quality in grain legumes grown in the lowland humid tropics, with special reference to west Africa: In fertilizer use and protein production. XIth Colloquium, International Potash Institute, Luse, R. A., Kang, B. T., Fox, R. L. and Nangju, D., 1975.
Influence of soil fertility on the protein and sulphur contents on grain legumes, Kang, B. T. and Fox, R. L., in: Proceedings of IITA Collaborators' Meeting on Grain Legume Improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 105-109, 1975.