Oduro, K. A.
4 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Editor
1981 |
Weed Control in maize-cassava intercrop, Akobundu, I., Tropical Roots, IDRC - 163e, 1981. | |
An assessment of weed interference in white yam (Dioscrorea rotundata Poir), Akobundu, I. and Unamma, R. P. A., 1981. | 1980 |
Cassava Improvement in the Programme National du Manioc in Zaire: objectives and achivements up to 1980, Ezumah, H. C., in: Tropical Root Crops: research strategies for the 1980s, pages 29-34, 1980. | |
Cassava improvement strategies for resistance to major economic diseases and pests in Africa, Hahn, S. K., Terry, E. R., Leuschner, K. and Singh, T.P., in: Proceedings of First Symposium International Society of Tropical Root Crops, Africa Branch, 8-12 September 1980, Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 25-28, 1980. |
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