Eaglesham, A.R.J.    


8 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Effect of Rhizobium inoculation on field- grown soybeans in Western Nigeria and assessment of inoculum persistence during a two-year fallow, Ranga Rao, V., Ayanaba, A., Eaglesham, A.R.J. and Thottappilly, G., in: Tropical Agricultural, volume 62, number 2, pages 125-130, 1985.


Exploiting symbiotic nitrogen fixation for increasing soybean yields in Africa, Rao, V, Ayanaba, A., Eaglesham, A.R.J. and Kueneman, E., pages 153-167, Academic Press, 1981.
Examining the potential for inoculant use with cowpeas in West African soils., Ahmad, H., Eaglesham, A.R.J., Hassouna, S., Seaman, B., Ayanaba, A., Mulongoy, N. and Pulver, E. L., in: Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad), volume 58, pages 325-335, 1981.
Improving the nitrogen nutrition of maize by intercropping with cowpea, Eaglesham, A.R.J., Ayanaba, A., Rao, V and Eskew, D. L., in: Soil Biology and Biochemistry, volume 13, pages 169-171, 1981.
High-temperature tolerant "cowpea" rhitzobia,, Eaglesham, A.R.J., Seaman, B., Ahmad, H., Hassouna, S., Ayanaba, A. and Mulongoy, K., Australian Academy of Science, 1981.


Exploiting symbiotic nitrogen fixation for increasing soybean yields in Africa, Rao, R. V., Ayanaba, A., Eaglesham, A.R.J. and Kueneman, E., 1980.


Response of soybean to seed inoculation with rhizobium in humid tropical conditions, Ranga Rao, V., Ayanaba, A. and Eaglesham, A.R.J., 1979.
Assessing nitrogen contribution of cowpea and soybean crop to soil, Eaglesham, A.R.J., Ayanaba, A., Ranga Rao, V. and Eskew, D. L., 1979.