Emejuaiwe, S. O.
4 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Editor
1981 |
Rhizobium and its utilization in African soils, Ayanaba, A., Global impacts of Applied Microbiology, pages 85-95, Academic Press, 1981. | |
Cassava varietal response to mycorrhizal fungi in phosphate-deficient soils, Hahn, S. K., Kang, B. and Ayanaba, A., GIAM VI, Academic Press, 1981. | |
Exploiting the diversity in the cowpea - rhizobia symbiosis for increased cowpea production, Mulongoy, K., Ayanaba, A. and Pulver, E., Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology, volume pp. 119 - 125, Academic Press, 1981. | |
Exploiting symbiotic nitrogen fixation for increasing soybean yields in Africa, Rao, V, Ayanaba, A., Eaglesham, A.R.J. and Kueneman, E., pages 153-167, Academic Press, 1981. |
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