Singh, B. R.    

Firstname:B. R. 
Institute:Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (IPM) 

10 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Making sense out of soil nutrient mining and depletion in sub-Saharan Africa, Olupot, G.*, Basamba, T. A.*, Ebanyat, P., Musinguzi, P.*, Opolot, E.*, Katusabe, A. A.*, Bekunda, M. and Singh, B. R., Advances in Soil Science, pages 1-21, chapter 3, CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-13-810331-3, 2019.


Input supply and distribution: observations and recommendations for fourth national development plan, Singh, B. R., 1979.
Agro-service system concept, objectives, functions, policy and growth, Singh, B. R., 1979.
Input distribution and logistics, Singh, B. R., 1979.
Guidelines for agro-service project formulation for fourth national development plan, Singh, B. R., 1979.
Input supply and distribution policy for fourth national development plan, Singh, B. R., 1979.
Logistics and financial control in agro-service system, Singh, B. R., 1979.


Input distribution and logistics, Singh, B. R., 1978.
Fertilizer Forecasting, Singh, B. R., IITA, 1978.

Publications as Editor


Effectiveness of communication channels on level of awareness and determinants of adoption of improved common bean technologies among smallholder farmers in Tanzania, Lugamara, C. B.*, Urassa, J. K.*, Dontsop-Nguezet, P. and Masso, C., Climate Change Management, pages 613-632, chapter 27, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-030-12973-6, 2019. [DOI]