Mahapatra, I. C.    

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13 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Production constraints for upland rice in West Africa, Alluri, K., Mahapatra, I. C. and Lawson, T. L., 1979.


Technology transfer in Nigeria and Sierra Leone, Perez, A.T. and Mahapatra, I. C., in: Rice in Africa: proceedings of a conference held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan, Nigeria, 7-11 March 1977, pages 231-241, Academic Press, London, UK, 1978.


Effect of fertilizers on diseases and disease development on rice and other crops, Raymundo, A., Mahapatra, I. C. and Jones, R., 1976.
Case studies of technology transfer in West Africa: Nigeria and Sierra Leone, Perez, A.T. and Mahapatra, I. C., pages 1-34, 1976.
Enhencing rice yields through improved fertilizer efficiency, Mahapatra, I. C., 1976.
Cropping systems in uplands, Mahapatra, I. C. and Kamara, A., 1976.
Progress and problems in attempting changes in rice varieties and rice technology at the farm level in two countries of West Africa: paper presented at the WARDA Varietal Improvement Seminar, Bouake, Ivory Coast, September 13-17, 1976, Mahapatra, I. C., Perez, A.T. and Buddenhagen, I. W., in: IITA Cereal Improvement Program papers: 1972-76, pages 1-19, 1976.
Enhencing fertilizer use efficiency through improved cultural practices, Mahapatra, I. C. and Kamara, S. G., 1976.
Efficient use of fertilizers for rice in various agroecological situations in Sierra Leone, Mahapatra, I. C. and Kallon, J. M., 1976.


Recent advances in agronomic research on rice in Sierra Leone, Mahapatra, I. C., 1975.
Problems and prospect of rice revolution in Sierra Leone, Mahapatra, I. C., Jones, R. and Janakiram, D., 1975.
Recents advances in agronomic research on rice in Sierra Leone, Mahapatra, I. C., 1975.
Problems and prospects of revolution in Sierra Leone, Mahapatra, I. C., Jones, A.D. and Janakiram, D., 1975.