Winch, F. E.    

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7 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Yam based farming systems in the humid tropics of southern Nigeria, Bachmann, E. and Winch, F. E., 1979.
Yam based farming systems in the south guinnea savannah of Nigeria, Diehl, L. and Winch, F. E., 1979.


The Unit Farm Approach As a Method of Technology Evaluation, Winch, F. E., IITA, 1978.
Relative Importance of Rice in Tropical Africa and the Need to Inrease the Farm Level Economic Data Base, Winch, F. E. and Kivunja, C.D., Academic Press, 1978.


Rice in Tropical Africa: The Rlative Importance of Rice in Tropical Africa and the need to increase Farm Level Economics Data Base, Winch, F. E. and Kivunja, C.D., IITA, Ibadan, 1977.
Review of production and trade of rice, maize, cassava, yam and sweet potatoes in selected countries of tropical Africa, Winch, F. E. and Kivunja, C.D., IITA, Ibadan, 1977.
Selection, training and supervision of field enumerators employed for village-level economic survey, Winch, F. E., in: Village-level socio-economic studies workshop held at IITA, November 14-25, 1977, Ibadan, 1977.