Mekoa, C.    

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Publications as Author


Survival and yield of the plantain 'Ebang' (Musa spp., AAB genome, 'False Horn') produced from corm fragment initiated plants and suckers after hot water treatment in Southern Cameroon, Mekoa, C. and Hauser, S., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 879, pages 527-535, ISSN 0567-7572, 2010.


Biomass production and nutrient uptake of Chromolaena odorata as compared with other weeds in a burned and a mulched secondary forest clearing planted to plantain (Musa spp. AAB), Hauser, S. and Mekoa, C., in: Weed Research, volume 49, pages 193-200, ISSN 0043-1737, 2009.


Bunch yield response of two cultivars of plantain (Musa spp., AAB, Subgroups French and False horn) to hot-water treatment and fertilizer application planted after forest and bush/grass fallow, Hauser, S., Mekoa, C. and Jacobsen, K., in: Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, volume 54, number 5, pages 541-556, ISSN 0365-0340, 2008. [DOI]


Performance of detached-corm and corm-fragment-generated plantain compared with conventional suckers in southern Cameroon, Hauser, S., Nkakwa, A., Mekoa, C. and Amougou, D., 2006.
Invasion of plantain fields by Chromolaena odorata: effects of burning and mulching on biomass partitioning and nutrient uptake, Hauser, S. and Mekoa, C., 2006.