Virmani, S. S.*    

Firstname:S. S.* 
Institute:Central Agricultural Experiment Station, Suakoko, Liberia 

15 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


A Retrospect and Prospect of Rice Varietal Improvement Research in Relation to Increasing Rice Production in Liberia,, Virmani, S. S.*, University of Liberia, 1978.
Suakoko 8: a new rice variety recommended for iron toxic swamps in Liberia, Virmani, S. S.*, Tubman, A.F., Sumo, F. and Worzi, P.M., in: IRRN, volume 3, number 1, pages 3-4, ISSN 0115-0944, 1978.
Incidence of leaf scald disease on dry land rainted rice in Liberia, Virmani, S. S.* and Sumo, F., in: International Rice Research Newsletter, volume 3, number 4, pages 5-6, ISSN 0115-0944, 1978.
Rice development and research activities in Liberia, Virmani, S. S.*, Tubman, A.F. and Worzi, P.M., in: Proceedings of Rice in Africa Conference, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, March 7-11, 1977 edited by I.W. Buddenhagen and G.J. Persley, pages 328-330, 1978.
Rice improvement in tropical anglophone Africa, Virmani, S. S.*, Olufowote, J. O.* and Abifarin, A. O., in: Rice in Africa: proceedings of a conference held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan, Nigeria, 7-11 March 1977, pages 101-116, Academic Press, London, UK, 1978.
Some Results of Varietal Screening for Tolerance to Iron Toxicity in Liberia, Virmani, S. S.*, 1978.


Rice development and research activites in Liberia, Virmani, S. S.*, Tubman, A.F. and Worzi, P.M., 1977.
The 1976 highlights of rice research activities in Liberia, Virmani, S. S.*, Sumo, F. and Worzi, P.M., 1977.
The 1976 highlights of rice research activities in Liberia., Virmani, S. S.*, Sumo, F. and Worzi, P.M., 1977.


Highlights of rice varietal improvement program in Liberia, Virmani, S. S.* and Sumo, F., 1976.
Breeding rice for tolerance to iron toxicity, Virmani, S. S.*, 1976.


Limitations in rice improvement activites and how to improve them by team approach in Africa: paper presented at the Rice Workshop, Rokupr, Sierra Leone, September 28 - October 4, 1975, Abifarin, A. O. and Virmani, S. S.*, in: IITA Cereal Improvement Program papers: 1972-76, pages 86-93, 1975.
Rice breeding research in Liberia during 1974, Virmani, S. S.* and Tubman, A.F., 1975.
Technical difficulties of rice breeders in west Africa and some suggestion to solve them, Virmani, S. S.*, 1975.
What can be done to increase rice yield in Liberia, Virmani, S. S.*, 1975.