Ogundipe, O. T.*    

Firstname:O. T.* 
Institute:Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, NIgeria 
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5 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Molecular characterization of cultivated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) using simple sequence repeats markers, Ogunkanmi, L. A.*, Ogundipe, O. T.* and Fatokun, C., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 13, number 34, pages 3464-3472, ISSN 1684-5315, 2014. [DOI]


Comparative analysis of genetic diversity and genetic relatedness between cultivated and wild cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) based on agronomic traits and microsatellite markers, Ogunkanmi, L. A.*, Ogundipe, O. T.* and Fatokun, C., in: Innovative research along the cowpea value chain: proceedings of the Fifth World Cowpea Conference on improving livelihoods in the cowpea value chain through advancement in science, held in Saly, Senegal, 27 September- 1 October 2010, pages 32-47, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012.


Comparative analysis of genetic diversity and genetic relatedness between cultivated and wild cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.Walp.) based on agronomic traits and microsatellite markers, Ogunkanmi, L. A.*, Ogundipe, O. T.* and Fatokun, C., Abstract Poster p. 23 in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, 2010, 2010.


Genetic diversity in wild relatives of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) as revealed by simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers, Ogunkanmi, L. A.*, Ogundipe, O. T.*, Ng, N. Q. and Fatokun, C., in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 6, number 3&4, pages 132-137, ISSN 1459-0255, 2008.


Genetic diversity in yard-long-bean (Vigna unguiculata subspecies unguiculata cv-gr sesquipedalis) as revealed by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, Ogunkanmi, L. A.*, Ogundipe, O. T.*, Ng, N. Q., Scoles, G. J. and Fatokun, C., in: Journal of Genetics and Breeding, volume 61, ISSN 0394-9257, 2007.