Nkongmeneck, B. A.*    

Firstname:B. A.* 
Institute:Department of Plant Biology, University of Yaounde, Yaounde, Cameroon 

12 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Structure and composition of cocoa agroforests in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Tchatat, M. and Janssens, M., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 91, number 3, pages 451-470, ISSN 0167-4366, 2017. [DOI]


Chocolate Forest and the Peri-Urban Landscape: tree diversity of the cocoa agroforests around Yaounde (southern Cameroon), Sonwa, D., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Weise, S., Tchatat, M. and Janssens, M., number 5, 2008.


Structure of cocoa agroforest of Southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Tchatat, M. and Janssens, M., Poster: in Second International Symposium on Multi-Strata Agroforestry Systems with Perennial Crops: Making ecosystem services count for farmers, consumers and the environment, 17 – 21 September 2007 CATIE, 2007.
Diversity of plants in cocoa agroforests in the humid forest zone of Southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Weise, S., Tchatat, M., Adesina, A. and Janssens, M., in: Biodiversity and Conservation, volume 16, number 8, pages 2385-2400, 2007. [DOI]


Effects on species composition of glyphosate application in a plantain system after secondary forest clearing, Hauser, S., Ngoumbe, S. and Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, in: Tropentag 2006, 11-13 Oct., Bonn, Germany, 2006.


Phytogenetic preferences of farmers' communities during a crisis context in the cocoa agroforest area of the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Adesina, A., Tchatat, M., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Ndoye, O. and Endamana, D., in: XXII IUFRO World Congress, 8-13 August, Brisbane, Australia, pages 44, 2005.
Production constraints on cocoa agroforestry systems in West and central Africa: the need for integrated pest management and multi-institutional approaches, Sonwa, D., Ngobo, M., Weise, S., Adesina, A., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Tchatat, M. and Ndoye, O., in: XXII IUFRO World Congress, August 8-13, Brisbane, Australia, pages 349, 2005.
Production constraints on cocoa agroforestry systems in West and Central Africa: the need for integrated pest management and multi-institutional approaches, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Adesina, A., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Tchatat, M. and Ndoye, O., in: Forestry Chronicle, volume 81, pages 345-349, 2005.
Potential contributions of biotechnologies in the management and conservation of forest resources of the Congo basin, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Nwaga, D.*, Zapfack, L.*, Nzooh, L. and Janssens, M., in: International Forestry Review, volume 7, pages 59-62, 2005.


Management of complex cocoa based agroforestry system of the Humid Forest Zone of Southern Cameroon: typology and conservation of forest resources, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Gockowski, J., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Tchatat, M., Adesina, A. and Janssens, M., in: 1st World Congress of Agroforestry - Working Together for Sustainable Land-use Systems, 27 June-2 July 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2004.


Cacao agroforestry: integrating cacao production and forest resource conservation and management in southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Tchatat, M., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Adesina, A., Ndoye, O. and Gockowski, J., in: Paper presented at: 2nd Pan-African Symposium on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Africa, 24-27 July 2000, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2003.


Domestication dans les agroforêts cacao de la zone de forêt humide du Sud-Cameroun:Caracteristiques et preference des cacaoculteurs pratiquants la sylviculture de Dacryodes edulis, Sonwa, D., Tchatat, M., Adesina, A., Weise, S., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Ndoye, O. and Endamana, D., in: Paper presented, Presses Universiatires d'Afrique, Yaounde, 2002.