Williams, R. J.    

Firstname:R. J. 

25 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Identification of multiple disease resistance in cowpea, Williams, R. J., in: Tropical Agriculture, volume 54, number 1, pages 53-59, ISSN 0041-3216, 1977.
The identification of resistance to cowpea (yellow) mosaic virus, Williams, R. J., in: Tropical Agriculture, volume 54, number 1, pages 61-67, ISSN 0041-3216, 1977.
Identification of multiple disease resistance in cowpea, Williams, R. J., in: Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad), volume 54, number 1, pages 53-59, ISSN 0041-3216, 1977.


A whitefly-transmitted golden mosaic of lima beans in Nigeria, Williams, R. J., in: Plant Disease Reporter, volume 60, number 10, pages 853-857, ISSN 0032-0811, 1976.
Major research needs in plant protection and plant quarantine in Africa, Williams, R. J., in: African Journal of Plant Protection, ISSN 0379-6930, 1976.
A review of the major diseases of soybean and cowpea with special reference to geographical distribution; means of dissemination and control, Williams, R. J., in: African Journal of Plant Protection, volume 1, pages 83-89, ISSN 1023- 3121, 1976.


Etiology, epidemiology and control of cowpea mosaic disease: paper presented at the Fourth Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, February 11-13, 1974, Gilmer, R. M. and Williams, R. J., NSPP abstracts; 1972-1975: occasional publication number 1 of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection. pp. 15-16, 1975.
Control of cowpea seedling mortality in southern Nigeria, Williams, R. J., in: Plant Disease Reporter, volume 59, number 3, pages 245-248, 1975.
Disease of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp), Williams, R. J., in: Pest Articles & News Summaries, volume 21, number 3, pages 253-267, ISSN 0309-7943, 1975. [DOI]
A whitefly transmitted mosaic of lima bean in Nigeria: paper presented at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Samaru, Nigeria, March 3-5, 1975, Williams, R. J., in: NSPP abstracts: 1972-1975, pages 28, Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP), 1975.
Anthracnose of cowpea, Williams, R. J., Abstract of papers presented at the Third Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Benin City, Nigeria, February 12-14, 1973, 1975.
Cowpea seedling disease control: paper presented at the Third Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Benin City, Nigeria, February 12-14, 1973, Williams, R. J., NSPP abstracts; 1972-1975: occasional publication number 1 of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, 1975.
The international testing program: aims, progress and problems seen from IITA, Williams, R. J., in: Proceedings of IITA Collaborators' Meeting on Grain Legume Improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 66-72, 1975.
Introduction of the Plant Pathology session, Williams, R. J., IITA, 1975.
Screening cowpeas for resistance to cowpea virus: paper presented at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Institute of Agricultural Research, Samaru, Nigeria, March 3-5, 1975, Williams, R. J., NSPP abstracts; 1972-1975: occasional publication number 1 of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection. p. 28, 1975.
The international testing program: aims, progress and problems, Williams, R. J., in: Proceedings of IITA Collabortors' Meeting on Grain Legume Improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 66-72, 1975.
Identification of multiple disease resistance in cowpea: abstract of papers presented at the Fourth Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, February 11-13, 1974, Williams, R. J., NSPP abstracts 1972-1975: occasional publication, number 1 of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection. p. 19, 1975.
Increased incidence of Pythium stem rot in cowpea treated with benomyl and related fungicides, Williams, R. J. and Ayanaba, A., in: Phytopathology, volume 65, pages 217-218, ISSN 0031-949X, 1975. [DOI]


Transmission of cowpea mosaic by Xiphinemabasiri in Western Nigeria, Caveness, F. E., Glimer, R. M. and Williams, R. J., in: Nematode Vectors of Plant viruses,edited by F. Lambreti, C. E. Taylor and J. w. Seinhorst, 1974.
Increased incidence of pythium stems rot in cowpeas treated with benomyl and related fungicides, Williams, R. J. and Ayanaba, A., Abstracts of papers presented at 66th Annual Meeting of A.P.S. and 40th Session Canadian Phytopathological Society, Vancouver, Canada, 1974.
The effect of various fungicides and stem damage on the incidence of Pythium wet stem rot in cowpea, Williams, R. J., 1974.
The control of cowpea diseases in the IITA Grain Legume Program, Williams, R. J., 1974.
Comparison of varietal reactions to cowpea anthracnose in field plot and detached petiole in inoculations, Williams, R. J., Abstracts of papers presented at 66th Annual Meeting of A.P.S. and 40th Session Canadian Phytopathological Society, Vancouver, Canada. p.87, 1974.


Bacterial wilt of cassava in Nigeria, Williams, R. J., Agboola, S. D. and Schneider, R. W., in: Plant Disease Reporter, volume 57, number 10, pages 824-827, ISSN 0032-0811, 1973.
Report of Cassava Mosaic Workshop: proceedings of Cassava Mosaic Workshop, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, 11-12 December, 1972, Williams, R. J., in: Proceedings of Cassava Mosaic Workshop, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, 11-12 December, 1972, pages 43-44, 1973.