Egharevba , P. N.
3 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Author
1975 |
Planting pattern and light interception in maize, Egharevba , P. N., in: Proceedings of Physiology Program Formulation Workshop held at IITA, Ibadan, April, 1975., pages 15-17, 1975. | |
Canopy architecture and light distribution in maize, Egharevba , P. N. and Treharne, K. J., in: Proceedings of Physiology Program Formulation Workshop held at IITA, Ibadan, April, 1975., pages 18-20, 1975. | 1974 |
The distribution of 14C labelled photosynthetic assimilate in corn (Zea mays L), Egharevba , P. N. and Edwards , H. H., in: Nigerian Journal of Science, 1974. |
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