Sinzogan, A.    

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21 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Ovipositional behaviour of two mango fruit fly species (Diptera Tephritidae) in relation to Oecophylla cues (Hymenoptera Formicidae) as compared to natural conditions without ant cues, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A., Adandonon, A.*, van Mele, P. and Korie, S., in: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, volume 7, number 2, pages 447-456, ISSN 1991-8631, 2013.


Native parasitoids associated with fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in cultivated and wild fruit crops in Casamance (Senegal), Vayssieres, J., Adandonon, A., N'Diaye, O.*, Sinzogan, A., Kooyman, C., Badji, K.*, Rey, J. and Wharton, R., in: African Entomology, volume 20, number 2, pages 308-315, ISSN 1021-3589, 2012.
Mango Cultivation in Burkina Faso, Vayssieres, J., Coulibaly, O., Sinzogan, A., Adandonon, A., Dakouo, D., Dabire, R.* and Ouedraogo, S., Mango: cultivation in Different Countries, volume 2, pages 208-229, chapter 14, Studium Press LLC, ISBN 1-933699-94-9, 2012.
Mango Cultivation in Benin, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A., Adandonon, A., Coulibaly, O. and Bokonon-Ganta, A.*, Mango: cultivation in Different Countries, pages 1-20, chapter 12, Studium Press LLC, ISBN 1-933699-94-9, 2012.


Preliminary inventory of parasitoids associated with fruit flies in mangoes, guavas, cashew, pepper and wild fruit crops in Benin, Vayssieres, J., Wharton, R., Adandonon, A. and Sinzogan, A., in: BioControl, volume 56, number 1, pages 35-43, ISSN 1386-6141, 2011. [DOI]


Diversity of fruit fly species (Diptera: Tephritidae) associated with citrus crops (Rutaceae) in southern Benin in 2008-2009, Vayssieres, J., Adandonon, A., Sinzogan, A. and Korie, S., in: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, volume 4, number 6, pages 1881-1897, ISSN 1991-8631, 2010.


Ant cues affect the oviposition behaviour of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Africa, van Mele, P., Vayssieres, J., Adandonon, A. and Sinzogan, A., in: Physiological Entomology, volume 34, number 3, pages 256-261, ISSN 0307-6962, 2009. [DOI]
Density of pheromone sources of the weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda affects oviposition behaviour and damage by mango fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae), Adandonon, A., Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A. and van Mele, P., in: International Journal of Pest Management, volume 55, number 4, pages 285-292, ISSN 0967-0874, 2009. [DOI]
Allies in nature, Vayssieres, J., Adandonon, A., Sinzogan, A. and van Mele, P., in: R4D Review, volume 3, pages 31-33, ISSN 2071-3681, 2009.
Effectiveness of spinosad bait sprays (GF-120) in controlling mango-infesting fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Benin, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A., Korie, S., Ouagoussounon, I. and Thomas-Odjo, A.*, in: Journal of Economic Entomology, volume 102, number 2, pages 515-521, ISSN 0022-0493, 2009. [DOI]
Assessment of damage caused to mangoes by fruit flies and calculation of the economic injury level in Benin, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A. and Adandonon, A., number Leaflet 7, 2009.
Principal methods for integrated control of fruit flies in West Africa, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A. and Adandonon, A., number Leaflet 6, 2009.
Range of cultivated and wild host plants of the main mango fruit fly species in Benin, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A. and Adandonon, A., number Leaflet 8, 2009.
Control of fruit flies through phytosanitary hygiene of orchards: prophylactic method, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A. and Adandonon, A., number Leaflet 10, 2009.
The mango (Mangifera indica) tree in Benin: main cultivars and socio-economic importance, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A. and Adandonon, A., number Leaflet 9, 2009.


Fruit flies of the Ceratitis genus in West Africa, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A. and Bokonon-Ganta, A. H., number 1, 2008.
The new invasive fruit fly species; Bactrocera invadens, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A. and Bokonon-Ganta, A. H., number 2, 2008.
Fruit fly detection trapping in orchards, Vayssieres, J. and Sinzogan, A., number 3, 2008.
The use of GF-120 [Success Appat] in fruit fly control, Vayssieres, J. and Sinzogan, A., number 4, 2008.
The use of weaver ants in fruits fly pest control, Vayssieres, J. and Sinzogan, A., number 5, 2008.
Implications of on-farm research for local knowledge related to fruits flies and the weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda in mango production, Sinzogan, A., van Mele, P. and Vayssieres, J., in: International Journal of Pest Management, volume 54, number 3, pages 241-246, 2008. [DOI]