Ballaux, J.C.    


4 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Classification of conditions under which rice is grown in the tropics with special reference to mechanization in West Africa: proceedings of Report on the Expert Consultation Meeting on the Mechanization of Rice Production, held at IITA, 10 - 14 June, 1974, Moormann, F. R., Curfs, H. P. and Ballaux, J.C., in: Report on the Expert Consultation Meeting on the Mechanization of Rice Production, held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 10 - 14 June, 1974, pages 55-60, 1975.
Light and water stress in maize cultivars in the lowland tropics, Rudat, H., Ballaux, J.C. and Treharne, K. J., in: Proceedings of Physiology Program Formulation Workshop held at IITA, Ibadan, April, 1975., pages 66-68, 1975.
Temperature and seedling emergence, Ballaux, J.C., in: Proceedings of Physiology Program Formulation Workshop held at IITA, Ibadan, April, 1975., pages 91-94, 1975.


Preliminary report on evaluation of nitrogen sources for flooded rice and maize in Western Nigeria, Kang, B. T., Ballaux, J.C. and Osiname, O.*, 1974.