Improving the speed of adoption of agricultural technologies and farm performance through farmer groups: evidence from the Great Lakes Region of Africa, Ainembabazi, J. H., Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Ouma, E., Blomme, G., Birachi, E., Dontsop-Nguezet, P., Mignouna, D. and Manyong, V., in: Agricultural Economics, volume 48, pages 1-19, ISSN 0169-5150, 2016. |
Improving the adoption of agricultural technologies and farm performance through farmer groups: Evidence from the Great Lakes Region of Africa: proceeding, Ainembabazi, J. H., Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Ouma, E., Blomme, G., Birachi, E., Manyong, V. and Macharia, I.*, Universita Degli Studi di Milano, 2015. |
Establishing a business plan for an agricultural enterprise: a trainers guide manual 3, Birachi, E. and Ouma, E., N2Africa, 2014. |
CIALCA interventions for productivity increase of cropping system components in the African Great Lakes zone, Pypers, P., Bimponda, W.*, Birachi, E., Bishikwabo, K., Blomme, G., Carpentier, S. C., Gahigi, A.*, Gaidashova, S.*, Jefwa, J., Kantengwa, S., Kanyaruguru, J., Lepoint, P., Lodi-Lama, J., Manzekele, M.*, Mapatano, S.*, Merckx, R ., Ndabamenye, T.*, Ngoga, T.*, Nitumfuidi, J.*, Niyuhire, C.*, Ntamwira, J.*, Ouma, E., Sanginga, J. M., Sivirihauma, C., Swennen, R., Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Vigheri, N. and Walangululu, J.*, pages 55-69, chapter 4, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-53273-0, 2013. |
Agronomic evaluation of common and improved dessert banana cultivars at different altitudes across Burundi, Kamira, M.*, Crichton, R. J., Kanyaruguru, J., Van Asten, P., Blomme, G., Lorenzen, J., Njukwe, E., Van den Bergh, I., Ouma, E. and Muchunguzi, P., pages 37-47, chapter 5, CABI, ISBN 978-1-78064-231-4, 2013. |
Tissue culture banana (Musa spp.) for smallholder farmers: lessons learnt from East Africa, Dubois, T., Dusabe, Y., Lule, M., Van Asten, P., Coyne, D., Hobayo, J. C., Nkurunziza, S., Ouma, E., Kabunga, N., Qaim, M., Kahangi, E.*, Mwirigi, P.*, Mwaura, P.*, Kisii, D.*, Kizito, H.* and Mugisha, J.*, in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 986, pages 51-59, ISSN 0567-7572, 2013. |
Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Central Africa: experiences of the Consortium for Improving Agriculturebased Livelihoods in Central Africa (CIALCA), Vanlauwe, B., Pypers, P., Birachi, E., Nyagaya, M., Van Schagen, B., Huising, J., Ouma, E., Blomme, G. and Van Asten, P., In: Eco-Efficiency: from Vision to Reality, pages 1-17, chapter 6, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), 2013. |
Impact of interventions by consortium for improving agriculture-based livelihoohds in Central Africa (CIALCA) on food and nutrition security of farmer households, Ekesa, B., De Lange, M., Macharia, I.*, Garming, H., Ouma, E., Birachi, E., Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B.+ and Blomme, G., in: International Journal of Agricultural Engineering, volume 7, number 10, pages 42-50, ISSN 0974-2662, 2013. |
CIALCA's efforts on integrating farming system components and exploring related trade-offs, Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Ouma, E., Pypers, P., Van Damme, J., Blomme, G., Lepoint, P., Ntamwira, J.*, Bouwmeester, H., Birachi, E., Jassogne, L., Muliele, T., Bizimana, S.*, Nibasumba, A., Delstanche, S., Baret, P., Sanginga, J. M., Bafunyembaka, F. and Manzekele, M.*, pages 117-131, chapter 9, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-53273-0, 2013. |
Challenges and opportunities for macropropagation technology for Musa spp. among smallholder farmers and small- and medium-scale enterprises, Njukwe, E., Ouma, E., Van Asten, P., Muchunguzi, P. and Amah, D., pages 66-71, chapter 8, CABI, ISBN 978-1-78064-231-4, 2013. |
Quality Assessment of Banana Juice and Beer in Rwanda, Kanyana, I., Ouma, E. and Van Asten, P., in: Journal of Food Technology, volume 11, number 2, pages 38-43, ISSN 1684-8462, 2013. |
Adoption and impact of tissue culture bananas in Burundi: an application of a propensity score matching approach, Ouma, E., Dubois, E., Kabunga, N., Nkurunziza, S., Qaim, M. and Van Asten, P., pages 216-223, chapter 26, CABI International, ISBN 9781780642314, 2013. [DOI] |
Agricultural technology diffusion and adoption in banana- and legume-based systems of central Africa, Ouma, E., Macharia, I.*, Birachi, E., Garming, H., Nyagaya, M., Pypers, P., Ochieng, J., Blomme, G., Van Asten, P. and Vanlauwe, B., pages 187-199, chapter 14, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-53273-0, 2013. |
CIALCA interventions for productivity increase of cropping system components in the African Great Lakes zone, Pypers, P., Bimponda, W.*, Birachi, E., Bishikwabo, K., Blomme, G., Carpentier, S. C., Gahigi, A.*, Gaidashova, S.*, Jefwa, J.*, Kantengwa, S., Kanyaruguru, J., Lepoint, P., Lodi-Lama, J., Manzekele, M.*, Mapatano, S.*, Merckx, R ., Ndabamenye, T.*, Ngoga, T.*, Nitumfuidi, J.*, Niyuhire, C.*, Ntamwira, J.*, Ouma, E., Sanginga, J. M., Sivirihauma, C., Swennen, R.+, Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Vigheri, N. and Walangululu, J.*, Abstract (Oral Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Evaluation of exotic, improved and local Musa germplasm in contrasting agro-ecological zones across Central Africa, Muller, K., Ntamwira, J.*, Gaidashova, S.*, Kanyaruguru, J., Sivirihauma, C., Vigheri, N., Van Asten, P., Blomme, G., Lorenzen, J., Van den Bergh, I., Ouma, E., Muliele, T. and Muchunguzi, P., Abstract (Poster Presentation), p. 83 in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
On-farm evaluation of newly introduced east African highland banana hybrids in Burundi and North Kivu, Muchunguzi, P., Tushemereirwe, W. K.*, Vigheri, N., Lwanga, C., Kanyaruguru, J., Ouma, E., Blomme, G., Van Asten, P., Kezumutima, M.*, Kimana, C. and Lorenzen, J., Abstract (Poster Presentation), p. 115 in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
IITA social science research agenda for the next decade, Manyong, V., Alene, A., Abdoulaye, T., Rusike, J., Ouma, E., Yade, M., Coulibaly, O., Gockowski, J., Tegbaru, A. and Kirscht, H., Booklet, 2011. |
New social science research agenda at IITA, Manyong, V., Alene, A., Abdoulaye, T., Rusike, J., Ouma, E., Yade, M., Coulibaly, O., Gockowski, J., Tegbaru, A. and Kirscht, H., in: Outcome and impact assessment at IITA: Issues and evidence. Proceedings of a mini-symposium on outcome and impact assessment at IITA., pages 22-23, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), IITA, 2011. |
Statistical and spatial comparison of livelihood capitals assessed by three independent surveys in South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bouwmeester, H., Van Asten, P., Heuvelink, G. and Ouma, E., Abstract (Poster Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
CIALCA's efforts on integrating farming system components and exploring related trade-offs, Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Ouma, E., Pypers, P., Van Damme, J., Blomme, G., Lepoint, P., Ntamwira, J.*, Bouwmeester, H., Birachi, E., Jassogne, L., Muliele, T., Bizimana, S.*, Nibasumba, A., Delstanche, S., Baret, P., Sanginga, J. M., Bafunyembaka, F. and Manzekele, M.*, Abstract (Oral Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Quality assessments of banana beverages in Rwanda, Kanyana, I., Ouma, E. and Van Asten, P., Abstract (Poster Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Adoption and dissemination of improved bean varieties in Burundi, Niyuhire, C.*, Ouma, E., Ndimurirwo, L.* and Ruraduma, C.*, Abstract (Poster Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Challenges and opportunities for macropropagation technology for Musa among small-holder farmers and small and medium scale enterprises, Njukwe, E., Ouma, E. and Van Asten, P., Abstract (Poster Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Evaluation of existing inputs delivery systems for banana and legumes based systems in Burundi, Kimana, C., Ouma, E., Van Asten, P., Anyango, A. and Nyandwi, B., Abstract (Poster Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Drivers of technology adoption in the banana-legume systems in the East and Central Africa region, Ouma, E., Birachi, E., Kasereka, V., Garming, H., Macharia, I.*, Van Asten, P., Chifizi, A.*, Nyagaya, M., Ekesa, B., Van Damme, J., Vanlauwe, B., Blomme, G., Niyuhire, C.*, Ndimurirwo, L.*, Ochieng, J., Dubois, T., Pypers, P., Wairegi, L., Ruraduma, C.*, Bizoza, A.* and Maertens, M., Abstract (Oral Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
A resource-based characterization of farmers in the rural Central African Highlands, Ouma, E., Van Asten, P. and Dubois, T., Abstract (Poster Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Adoption and impact of tissue culture bananas in Burundi, Ouma, E., Van Asten, P. and Dubois, T., In: Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
CIALCA livelihood baseline survey report: technical report, No. 17, Ouma, E., Birachi, E., Pypers, P., Vanlauwe, B.+, Ekesa, B., Blomme, G., Chianu, J., Bouwmeester, H. and Van Asten, P., number 17, 2011. |
Outcome mapping: a tool for monitoring and evaluation, Ouma, E., in: Outcome and impact assessment at IITA: Issues and evidence. Proceedings of a mini-symposium on outcome and impact assessment at IITA, pages 16-18, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2011. |
Outcome mapping: a tool for monitoring and evaluation, Ouma, E. and Neba, G., in: R4D Review, volume 7, pages 42-44, ISSN 2071-3681, 2011. |
L'ampleur des problemes lies au fletrissement bacterien de la banane (BXW) a l'Est de la RDC (Nord et Sud Kivu et Province Orientale): une evaluation d'experts sur les informations existantes, Beed, F., Fiaboe, K., Ouma, E., Vigheri, N., Tinzaara, W. and Khoury, W., 2010. |
Scale and scope of the problems due to BXW in Eastern DRC (North and South Kivu and Province Oriental): an expert evaluation of existing information, Beed, F., Fiaboe, K., Ouma, E., Vigheri, N. and Tinzaara, W., 2010. |
Determinants of smallholders farmers' participation in banana markets in central Africa: the role of transaction costs, Ouma, E., Jagwe, J., Obare, G. A.* and Abele, S., in: Agricultural Economics, volume 41, number 2, pages 111-122, ISSN 0169-5150, 2010. |
Banana value chains in central Africa; constraints and opportunities: paper presentation at the 3rd International Conference of African Association of Agricultural Economists held on 19-23rd September, 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa, Ouma, E. and Jagwe, J., 2010. |
Mapping key variables of banana based cropping systems in the great lakes region, Bouwmeester, H., Van Asten, P. and Ouma, E., 2009. |
Contributions of social capital theory in predicting collective action behavior among livestock keeping communities in Kenya, Ouma, E. and Abdulai, A., 2009. |
Banana marketing - improving access and returns, Ouma, E. and Van Asten, P., Technical Sheet, 2009. |
Banana marketing in Rwanda, Burundi and South Kivu: CIALCA project survey report, Jagwe, J., Ouma, E., Van Asten, P. and Abele, S., 2008. |