Notenbaert, A.    


3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Agricultural intensification scenarios, household food availability and greenhouse gas emissions in Rwanda: ex-ante impacts and trade-offs, Paul, B. K., Frelat, R., Birnholz, C., Ebong, C.*, Gahigi, A.*, Groot, J. C. J., Herrero, M., Kagabo, D., Notenbaert, A., Vanlauwe, B. and van Wijk, M. T., in: Agricultural Systems, pages 1-13, ISSN 0308-521X, 2017. [DOI]


Potential multi-dimensional impacts and tradeoffs of improved livestock feeding scenarios in Babati, Tanzania, Paul, B. K., Birnholz, C., Groot, J. C. J., Herrero, M., Notenbaert, A., Timler, C., Klapwijk, L. and Tittonell, P., Abstract presentation in L3.3; p. 180. at the Global Science Conference, March 16-18, Le Corum, Montpellier France, 2015.


Site selection to test an integrated approach to agricultural research for development: combining expert knowledge and participatory geographic information system methods, Thornton, P., Stroud, A., Hatibu, N., Legg, C., Ly, S., Twomlow, S., Molapong, K., Notenbaert, A., Kruska, R. and von Kaufmann, R., in: International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, volume 4, number 1, pages 39-60, ISSN 1473-5903, 2006.