Egunjobi, J.*
7 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Author
2006 |
AFLP marker diversity in water yam (Dioscorea alata L.), Egesi, C. N.*, Asiedu, R., Ude, G., Ogunyemi, S. and Egunjobi, J.*, in: Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization, volume 4, number 3, pages 181-187, ISSN 1479-2621, 2006. | 2003 |
Genetic diversity of organoleptic properties in water yam (Dioscorea alata L.), Egesi, C., Asiedu, R., Egunjobi, J.* and Bokanga, M., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, volume 83, pages 858-865, ISSN 0022-5142, 2003. [DOI] | |
Evaluation of phenotypic variation in water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) germplasm using multivariate analysis, Egesi, C. N.*, Asiedu, R., Egunjobi, J.* and Ogunyemi, S., in: Root crops: the small processor and development of local food industries for market economy: proceeding of the Eighth Triennial Syposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 12-16 November 2001, Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 461-468, 2003. | 2002 |
Ploidy analysis in water yam, Dioscorea alata L., germplasm, Egesi, C., Pillay, M., Asiedu, R. and Egunjobi, J.*, in: Euphytica, volume 128, number 2, pages 225-230, 2002. | 2001 |
Processing characteristics and sensory analysis of water yam, Ogunyemi, S., Asiedu, R., Egunjobi, J.* and Bokanga, M., in: Proceedings of the African Crop Science Conference, 22-26 October 2001, Lagos, Nigeria, pages 513-517, African Crop Science Society, 2001. | |
Flowering in yams (Dioscorea spp.), Asiedu, R. and Egunjobi, J.*, pages 652-661, International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC) - Africa Branch; Government of Benin, 2001. | 1986 |
Interaction between Pratylenchus sefaensis, Meloidogyne javanica and Rotylenchulus reniformis in sole and mixed crops of maize and cowpea, Egunjobi, J.*, Akonde, P. T. and Caveness, F. E., in: Revue de Nematolgie, volume 9, pages 107-114, 1986. |
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