Mva Mva, J.    

Surname:Mva Mva 

25 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Cocoa seed multiplication: an assessment of seed gardens in Cameroon, Ghana and Nigeria. STCP Working Paper Series, Asare, R., Afari-Sefa, V., Gyamfi, I., Okafor, C. and Mva Mva, J., number 11, 2010.


Guide de procedures pour la mise en place d'un systeme d'epargne et de credit a taux d'interet bonifie au sein d'une institution financiere pour les organisations agricoles et les jeunes entrepreneurs, Mva Mva, J., Djonko, A., Lazare, S., Enama, J. and Joachim, N., 2009.
Farmer guide on agricultural credit management, Mva Mva, J., Djonko, A. and Enama, J., 2009.
Guide on designing income generating projects for agricultural co-operative enterprises and rural entrepreneurs, Mva Mva, J., Enama, J., Sema, L., Nyemeck, J. and Kuissu, A., 2009.
Guide on the setting up of oil palm products processing unit for agricultural producers' organisations, Mva Mva, J., Enama, J. and Ngambou, S., 2009.
Guide on the setting up of an income generating activity: operation 1 hectare of banana/plantains per farmer, Mva Mva, J. and Enama, J., 2009.
Typical cooperative society: reference document of PAP2CP project, Mva Mva, J., Sema, L., Enama, J., Nyemeck, J. and Djonko, A., 2009.
Internal organisation and functioning of a co-operative society: the case of Socamack, Mva Mva, J., Mbarga, F. and Sema, L., 2009.
Role of cooperatives in the marketing and trade of primary agricultural products in Cameroon, Mva Mva, J. and Sema, L., 2009.
Training handout for cooperatives' internal auditors, Mva Mva, J., Sema, L., Ojong, A. and Mbarga, F., 2009.
Guide d'auto-evaluation des entreprises cooperatives de producteurs agricoles, Mva Mva, J., Enama, J., Sema, L., Nyemeck, J. and Djonko, A., 2009.
La cooperative modele document de reference du PAP2CP, Mva Mva, J., Sema, L., Enama, J., Nyemeck, J. and Djonko, A., 2009.
Guide du producteur agricole sur la gestion du credit, Mva Mva, J., Djonko, A. and Enama, J., 2009.
Guide de mise en place d'une activite generatrice de revenus: operation 1 hectare de bananier plantain par producteur, Mva Mva, J. and Enama, J., 2009.
Guide de mise en place d'une unite de transformation des produits du palmier a huile pour organisations de producteurs agricoles, Mva Mva, J., Enama, J. and Ngambou, S., 2009.
Guide d'elaboration de projects generateurs de revenus pour entreprises cooperatives agricoles et entrepreneurs ruraux, Mva Mva, J., Enama, J., Sema, L., Nyemeck, J. and Kuissu, A., 2009.
La place de la cooperative dans le commerce des produits de base, Mva Mva, J. and Sema, L., 2009.
Manuel de formation des membres de comites de surveillance, Mva Mva, J., Sema, L., Ojong, A. and Mbarga, F., 2009.
Organisation et fonctionnement interne d'une cooperative: le cas de la Socamak, Mva Mva, J., Mbarga, F. and Sema, L., 2009.
Guide on the self-evaluation of agricultural producers cooperative enterprises, Mva Mva, J., Enama, J., Sema, L., Nyemeck, J. and Kuissu, A., 2009.
Procedural guide on setting up a subsidized savings and credit system within a financial institution for agricultural organisations and young entrepreneurs, Mva Mva, J., Kuissu, A., Sema, L., Joseph, T and Nyemeck, J., 2009.


Policies and development strategies to achieve agricultural transformation in the cocoa belt of Cameroon, Gockowski, J., Nyemeck, J., Njikam, O.*, N'chare, A. and Mva Mva, J., Newsletter: STCP Policy Brief, 2008.
Learning about sustainable oil palm production: a guide for training small-scale farmers in West and Central Africa, Koona, P., Bakoume, C., David, S. and Mva Mva, J., 2008.


Income and collective action: group sales and farmer field schools in the cocoa sectors of Cameroon and Cote d'Ivoire, Gockowski, J., Nyemeck, J., Florent, D. K., Nkamleu, G. B., Wandji, D., Bassanaga, S., Couloud, J. Y., Mva Mva, J., Yapo, R., David, S., Boivin, G., Prud’Homme, M. and Vos, J., Newsletter: STCP Impact Brief Issue No. 05, 2005.
Cocoa's contribution to sustainable development in West Africa, Gockowski, J., Kehoe, Y., Mva Mva, J., Nkamleu, G. B., Abenyega, O. and Oduwole, S., Newsletter: STCP Impact Brief Issue No. 02, 2005.