Manioc au Gabon: vers un systeme semencier durable, Fotso Kuate, A., Bourobou, D., Zinga Koumba, C. R., Zozo, R., Kombila, A., Demikoyo, K. D., Effa Effa, B., Guibingua, M. S., Abass, A., Nabahungu, N. L., Voga Moudoubou, J. D. and Fiaboe, K., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2024. |
Effect of packaging and storage conditions on the pasting and functional properties of pretreated yellow-fleshed cassava flour, Ekeledo, E., Abass, A. and Muller, J., in: Applied Food Research, volume 4, number 2: 100467, pages 1-13, ISSN 2772-5022, 2024. [DOI] |
Development of a pilot scale energy efficient flash dryer for cassava flour, Adegbite, S. A.*, Asiru, W. B.*, Sartas, M., Tran, T., Taborda, L. A., Chapuis, A., Ojide, M.* and Abass, A., in: Resources, Environment and Sustainability, volume 13, number -: 100117, pages 1-8, ISSN 2666-9161, 2023. [DOI] |
Development of an improved steamer for optimum retention of carotenoids in Attieke produced from biofortified cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots, Alamu, E. O., Sangodoyin, O. M.*, Diallo, T. A., Kolawole, P., Olajide, J. O.*, Jekayinfa, S. O.*, Abass, A., Tran, T., Awoyale, W., Parkes, E. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, volume 2023, number -: 6653897, pages 1-13, ISSN 0145-8892, 2023. [DOI] |
Antioxidant, starch-digesting enzymes inhibitory, and pasting properties of elite yellow-fleshed cassava genotypes, Kareem, B., Irondi, E. A.*, Alamu, E. O., Ajani, E. O.*, Abass, A., Parkes, E. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, volume 7, number : 1129807, pages 1-11, ISSN 2571-581X, 2023. [DOI] |
Etude de la possibilite de modelisation de la pate a pain a partir de la farine d'Ipomea batatas ou patate douce a chair blanche et a peau blanche, Vololonirina, R. F., Razafindrasoa, M. Y., Randriamaroson, J. L. E., Randrianantenaina, A., Abass, A. and Razafimahefa*, , pages 225-238, chapter 33OST4, l'Alliance Francaise d'Antsiranana, 2023. |
Elite cassava clones (Manihot esculenta) grown in Zambia: effects of drying techniques on their chemical, functional, and pasting properties, Alamu, E. O., Manda, N., Ntawuruhunga, P., Abass, A. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, volume 7, number -: 1129779, pages 1-12, ISSN 2571-581X, 2023. [DOI] |
Adoption and impacts of improved post-harvest technologies on food security and welfare of maize-farming households in Tanzania: a comparative assessment, Mutungi, C., Manda, J., Feleke, S., Abass, A., Bekunda, M., Hoeschle-Zeledon, I. and Fischer, G., in: Food Security, pages 1-17, ISSN 1876-4517, 2023. [DOI] |
Chemical and pasting properties of potato flour (Solanum tuberosum L.) in relation to different processing techniques, Buzera, A.*, Nkirote, E.*, Abass, A., Orina, I.* and Sila, D.*, in: Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, volume 2023, number -: 3414760, pages 1-12, ISSN 0145-8892, 2023. [DOI] |
Amylose, rheological and functional properties of yellow cassava flour as affected by pretreatment and drying methods, Ekeledo, E., Latif, S., Abass, A. and Muller, J., in: Food and Humanity, volume 1, pages 57-63, ISSN 2949-8244, 2023. [DOI] |
Processors' experience in the use of flash dryer for cassava-derived products in Nigeria, Ojide, M.*, Adegbite, S. A.*, Tran, T., Taborda, L. A., Chapuis, A., Lukombo, S., Totin, E.*, Sartas, M., Schut, M., Lopez-Lavalle, L. A., Dufour, D. and Abass, A., in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, volume 5, number -: 771639, pages 1-15, ISSN 2571-581X, 2022. [DOI] |
Influence of traditional processing and genotypes on the antioxidant and antihyperglycaemic activities of yellow-fleshed cassava., Kareem, B., Irondi, E. A.*, Alamu, E. O., Ajani, E. O.*, Abass, A., Adesokan, M., Parkes, E. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Frontiers in Nutrition, pages 1-11, ISSN 2296-861X, 2022. [DOI] |
Characterization of starches from some selected white and yellow cassava roots for dry starch noodle production, Akinde, H. A.*, Sanni, L., Shittu, T.*, Adegunwa, M.*, Abass, A. and Awoyale, W.*, in: Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, pages 1-19, ISSN 1542-8052, 2022. [DOI] |
Nutritional benefits of improved post-harvest handling practices for maize and common beans in Northern Tanzania: a quantitative farm-level assessment, Mutungi, C., Amri, A., Gaspar, A. and Abass, A., in: Journal of Stored Products Research, volume 95, number -: 101918, pages 1-21, ISSN 0022-474X, 2022. [DOI] |
Influence of Agricultural Degree Programme environment on career in agribusiness among college students in Nigeria, Ikuemonisan, E. S.*, Abass, A., Feleke, S. and Ajibefun, I.*, in: Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, volume 7, number -: 100256, pages 1-12, ISSN 2666-1543, 2022. [DOI] |
Improved technologies for reducing post-harvest losses, Mutungi, C., Abass, A., Fischer, G. and Kotu, B. H., pages 91-105, chapter 7, CAB International, ISBN 978-1-800-62160-2, 2022. [DOI] |
Cost-effective cassava processing: case study of small-scale flash-dryer reengineering, Tran, T., Abass, A., Andrade, L. A. T., Chapuis, A., Precoppe, M., Adinsi, L.*, Bouniol, A., Ojide, M.*, Adegbite, S. A.*, Lukombo, S., Sartas, M., Teeken, B., Fotso Kuate, A., Ndjouenkeu, R.*, Moreno, M. T., Belalcázar, J., Lopez-Lavalle, L. A. and Dufour, D., pages 105-143, chapter 4, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-92021-0, 2022. [DOI] |
Adoption of improved cassava varieties by processors is linked to processing characteristics and products biophysical attributes, Abass, A., Awoyale, W., Ogundapo, A. T., Oluwasoga, O., Nwaoliwe, G., Oyelekan, J. and Olarinde, L.*, in: Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, volume 46, number 3: e16350, pages 1-19, ISSN 0145-8892, 2022. [DOI] |
Collection, genotyping and virus elimination of cassava landraces from Tanzania and documentation of farmer knowledge, Ferguson, M., Tumwegamire, S., Chidzanga, C., Shah, T., Mtunda, K.*, Kulembeka, H.*, Kimata, B.*, Tollano, S.*, Stephen, M.*, Mpayo, E.*, Mohamedi, S.*, Kasele, S.*, Palangyo, E.*, Armachius, J.*, Ali, A. H.*, Sichalwe, K.*, Matondo, D.*, Masisila, F. F.*, Matumbo, Z.*, Kidunda, B.*, Arati, A. C., Muiruri, R., Munguti, F.*, Abass, A., Abberton, M. and Mkamilo, G.*, in: PloS ONE, volume 16, number 8: e0255326, pages 1-21, ISSN 1932-6203, 2021. [DOI] |
The importance of store hygiene for reducing post-harvest losses in smallholder farmers' stores: evidence from a maize-based farming system in Kenya, Makinya, K. J., Wagacha, M.*, Odhiambo, J. A.*, Likhayo, P., Edoh-Ognakossan, K., Tefera, T., Abass, A. and Mutungi, C., in: Journal of Stored Products Research, volume 90, number -: 101757, pages 1-13, ISSN 0022-474X, 2021. [DOI] |
Physicochemical, microbial, and aflatoxin analyses of selected high-quality cassava flour (HQCF) from the major markets of Zambia, Alamu, E. O., Gondwe, T., Ayinde, O., Akinwale, M. G., Ntawuruhunga, P., Awoyale, W., Abass, A. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Cogent Food & Agriculture, volume 7, number 1: 1914906, pages 1-21, ISSN 2331-1932, 2021. [DOI] |
Comparative evaluation of four different cassava peeling devices, Kolawole, P., Kulakow, P., Samuel, T. M.*, Abass, A. and Diallo, T. A., in: Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, volume 52, number 2, pages 74-81, ISSN 0084-5841, 2021. |
Drying kinetics and effect of drying conditions on selected physicochemical properties of foam from yellow-fleshed and white-fleshed cassava (Manihot esculenta) varieties, Ayetigbo, O., Latif, S., Abass, A. and Muller, J., in: Food and Bioproducts Processing, pages 1-26, ISSN 0960-3085, 2021. [DOI] |
Dataset on influence of drying variables on properties of cassava foam produced from white- and yellow-fleshed cassava varieties, Ayetigbo, O., Latif, S., Abass, A. and Muller, J., in: Data in Brief, volume 37, number -: 107192, pages 1-14, ISSN 2352-3409, 2021. [DOI] |
Comparative field evaluation of mechanized and manual cassava production operations: the case of cassava farmers in Ogun state of Nigeria, Abass, A., Okechukwu, R., Gworgwor, N.*, Amaza, P.* and Awoyale, W., in: Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, volume 52, number 2, pages 20-27, ISSN 0084 5841, 2021. |
Women eat more rice and banana: the influence of gender and migration on staple food choice in east Africa, Bechoff, A., Forsythe, L., Njau, M.*, Martin, A. M., Gaspar, A., Abass, A. and Tomlins, K., in: Ecology of Food and Nutrition, pages 1-19, ISSN 0367-0244, 2020. [DOI] |
Matumizi ya soya katika kuboresha afya ya kaya Tanzania: mkusanyiko wa mapishi mbalimbali, Ngonyani, H.*, Okoruwa, A ., Kyungu, L., Mutungi, C., Abass, A. and Gaspar, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020. |
Improved complementary feeding: a trainers manual for rural nutrition and health care givers, Ngonyani, H.*, Okoruwa, A ., Kyungu, L., Mutungi, C., Abass, A. and Gaspar, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020. |
Soybean utilization for improved household nutrition in Tanzania: compendium of popular soybean recipes, Ngonyani, H.*, Okoruwa, A ., Kyungu, L., Mutungi, C., Abass, A. and Gaspar, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020. |
Utayarishaji bora wa vyakula vya watoto wadogo: mwongozo kwa watoaji huduma ya lishe, Ngonyani, H.*, Okoruwa, A ., Kyungu, L., Mutungi, C., Abass, A. and Gaspar, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020. |
The effects of cassava variety, fertilizer type and dosage on physical and sensory characteristics of cassava-wheat composite bread, Rasaq, S. A.*, Shittu, T.*, Fadimu, G. J., Abass, A. and Omoniyi, O., in: Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology, volume 12, number 1, pages 27-36, ISSN 1847-3466, 2020. [DOI] |
Assessment of the suitability of different cassava varieties for gari and fufu flour production in Liberia, Awoyale, W., Asiedu, R., Kawalawu, W. K.*, Abass, A., Maziya-Dixon, B., Kromah, A.*, Edet, M. and Mulbah, S.*, in: Asian Food Science Journal, volume 14, number 2: AFSJ.54567, pages 36-52, ISSN 2581-7752, 2020. [DOI] |
Plant tissue analysis as a tool for predicting fertiliser needs for low cyanogenic glucoside levels in cassava roots: an assessment of its possible use, Imakumbili, M. L. E.*, Semu, E.*, Semoka, J. M. R.*, Abass, A. and Mkamilo, G.*, in: PLoS ONE, volume 15, number 2: e0228641, pages 1-22, ISSN 1932-6203, 2020. [DOI] |
Improved postharvest practices for reduction of losses and improvement of produce quality: a trainer's manual for smallholder maize farmers in Tanzania, Mutungi, C., Ndunguru, G.*, Gaspar, A. and Abass, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020. |
Shughuli zilizoboreshwa kwa ajili ya kupunguza upotevu na kuboresha mazao baada ya kuvuna: mwongozo wa mkufunzi kwa wakulima wadogo wa mahindi nchini Tanzania, Mutungi, C., Ndunguru, G.*, Gaspar, A. and Abass, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020. |
Physicochemical properties, rheology, and storage stability of salad creams made from different cassava starch varieties, Adeleke, D. M.*, Shittu, T.*, Abass, A., Awoyale, W.*, Awonorin, S.* and Eromosele, C. O.*, in: Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, volume 44, number 9, pages 1-11, ISSN 0145-8892, 2020. [DOI] |
Post-harvest technology change in cassava processing: a choice paradigm, Adejumo, O.*, Okoruwa, V.*, Abass, A. and Salman, K. K.*, in: Scientific African, volume 7, number -: e00276, pages 1-10, ISSN 0036-8733, 2020. [DOI] |
Antioxidant potential of extracts from peels and stems of yellow-fleshed and white cassava varieties, Ekeledo, E., Latif, S., Abass, A. and Muller, J., in: International Journal of Food Science and Technology, pages 1-10, ISSN 0950-5423, 2020. [DOI] |
Postharvest operations and quality specifications for rice: a trainer's manual for smallholder farmers in Tanzania, Mutungi, C., Gaspar, A. and Abass, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020. |
Maize quality standards and specifications: a trainer's manual for smallholder farmers in Tanzania, Mutungi, C., Gaspar, A. and Abass, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020. |
Viwango na vigezo vya ubora wa mahindi: mwongozo wa mwezeshaji kwa wakulima wadogo nchini Tanzania, Mutungi, C., Gaspar, A. and Abass, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020. |
Estimating multidimensional poverty AmongCassava producers in Nigeria: patterns and socioeconomic determinants, Olarinde, L.*, Abass, A., Abdoulaye, T., Adepoju, A. A.*, Fanifosi, E. G.*, Adio, M. O.*, Adeniyi, O. A.* and Awoyale, W., in: Sustainability, volume 12, number 13: 5366, pages 1-17, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020. [DOI] |
The influence of social networking on food security status of cassava farming households in Nigeria, Olarinde, L.*, Abass, A., Abdoulaye, T., Adepoju, A. A.*, Adio, M. O.*, Fanifosi, E. G.* and Awoyale, W., in: Sustainability, volume 12, number 13: 5420, pages 1-35, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020. [DOI] |
Does institution type affect access to finance for cassava actors in Nigeria?, Okoruwa, V.*, Abass, A., Akin-Olagunju, O. A.* and Akinola, N. A., in: Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, volume 2, number -: 100023, pages 1-8, ISSN 2666-1543, 2020. [DOI] |
Report on the status of Attieke production in Cote d'Ivoire, Alamu, E. O., Abass, A., Maziya-Dixon, B., Diallo, T. A., Sangodoyin, M. A., Kolawole, P., Tran, T., Awoyale, W., Kulakow, P., Parkes, E., Kouame, K. A., Amani, K., Appi, A. and Dixon, A., 2020. |
TAAT Cassava Compact, Abass, A. and TAAT, , 2020. |
Physical quality of maize grain harvested and stored by smallholder farmers in the Northern highlands of Tanzania: effects of harvesting and pre-storage handling practices in two marginally contrasting agro-locations, Mutungi, C., Muthoni, F. K., Bekunda, M., Gaspar, A., Kabula, E. and Abass, A., in: Journal of Stored Products Research, volume 84, pages 1-12, ISSN 0022-474X, 2019. [DOI] |
Determinants of intensity of biomass utilization: evidence from cassava smallholders in Nigeria, Adeyemo, T. A.*, Amaza, P.*, Okoruwa, V.*, Akinyosoye, V.*, Salman, K. K.* and Abass, A., in: Sustainability, volume 11, number -: 2516, pages 1-16, ISSN 2071-1050, 2019. [DOI] |
Evaluation of the chemical composition and functional properties of gari from Liberia, Awoyale, W., Kawalawu, W. K.*, Asiedu, R., Maziya-Dixon, B., Abass, A. and Edet, M., in: Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology, volume 11, number 2, pages 157-167, ISSN 1847-3466, 2019. [DOI] |
Food intake among smallholder cassava value chain households, Samuel, F. O.*, Akinwande, B.*, Opasola, R. O.*, Azeez, L. A.* and Abass, A., in: Nutrition & Food Science, pages 1-12, ISSN 0034-6659, 2019. [DOI] |
Performance evaluation of developed cooking steamer for optimum retention of carotenoid in Attieke produced from biofortified cassava (Manihot esculenta, crantz): poster, Sangodoyin, O. M.*, Alamu, E. O., Diallo, T. A., Kolawole, P., Abass, A., Maziya-Dixon, B., Kulakow, P., Parkes, E., Adesokan, M., Jekayinfa, S. O.* and Olajide, J. O.*, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2019. |
Development and evaluation of steamer for Attieke production: a cross cutting initiative of CGIAR Research Program for Roots , Tubers and Bananas: poster, Sangodoyin, O. M.*, Alamu, E. O., Diallo, T. A., Kolawole, P., Abass, A., Maziya-Dixon, B., Parkes, E., Awoyale, W., Buraimoh, B., Ben, J., Tran, T., Jekayinfa, S. O.*, Olajide, J. O.*, Kulakow, P., Dixon, A. and Asiedu, R., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2019. |
Implementing community-based nutrition intervention through farmer-to-farmer technology delivery, Mutungi, C., Gaspar, A., Bekunda, M. and Abass, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2019. |
Farmers' perceptions on the causes of cassava root bitterness: a case of konzo-affected Mtwara region, Tanzania, Imakumbili, M. L. E.*, Semu, E.*, Semoka, J. M. R.*, Abass, A. and Mkamilo, G.*, in: PLoS ONE, volume 14, number 4: e0215527, pages 1-14, ISSN 1932-6203, 2019. [DOI] |
Smallholder agroprocessors' willingness to pay for value-added solid-waste management solutions, Omilani, O.*, Abass, A. and Okoruwa, V.*, in: Sustainability, volume 11, number -: 1759, pages 1-14, ISSN 2071-1050, 2019. [DOI] |
Assessment of the nutritional composition, physical properties and sensory quality of composite bread baked with high-quality cassava flour from biofortified and white- fleshed cassava roots, Awoyale, W., Abass, A., Amaza, P.*, Oluwasoga, O. and Nwaoliwe, G., in: Preprints, pages 1-30, 2019. [DOI] |
Exploring the profitability of improved storage technologies and their potential impacts on food security and income of smallholder farm households in Tanzania, Kotu, B. H., Abass, A., Hoeschle-Zeledon, I., Mbwambo, H. * and Bekunda, M., in: Journal of Stored Products Research, volume 82, pages 98-109, ISSN 0022-474X, 2019. [DOI] |
Drivers of technical efficiency in cassava processing in Nigeria: implications for a commercializing food sector, Abass, A., Olarinde, L.*, Okoruwa, V.*, Amaza, P.*, Awoyale, W.*, Alabi, T. R. and Ndavi, M., in: Tropicultura, volume 37, pages 1-11, ISSN 0771-3312, 2019. [DOI] |
Enumeration of the microbiota and microbial metabolites in processed cassava products from Madagascar and Tanzania, Abass, A., Adegoke, G. O.*, Awoyale, W., Gaspar, A., Mlingi, N., Andrianavalona, V.*, Randrianarivelo, R.*, Sulyok, M., Mneney, A.* and Ranaivoson, R.*, in: Food Control, volume 99, pages 164-170, ISSN 0956-7135, 2019. [DOI] |
Comparing characteristics of root, flour and starch of biofortified yellow-flesh and white-flesh cassava variants, and sustainability considerations: a review, Ayetigbo, O., Latif, S., Abass, A. and Muller, J., in: Sustainability, volume 10, number -:3089, pages 1-32, ISSN 2071-1050, 2018. [DOI] |
Retention of pro-vitamin A carotenoid in composite bread baked with high quality cassava flour from yellow-fleshed cassava root, Awoyale, W., Abass, A. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Functional Foods in Health and Disease, volume 8, number 9, pages 438-446, ISSN 2160-3855, 2018. [DOI] |
On-farm comparison of different postharvest storage technologies in a maize farming system of Tanzania Central Corridor, Abass, A., Fischler, M.*, Schneider, K., Daudi, S.*, Gaspar, A., Rust, J.*, Kabula, E., Ndunguru, G., Madulu, D. and Msola, D.*, in: Journal of Stored Products Research, volume 77, pages 55-65, ISSN 0022-474X, 2018. [DOI] |
Assessment of the chemical and trace metal composition of dried cassava products from Nigeria, Abass, A., Awoyale, W. and Alamu, E. O., in: Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, pages 1-10, ISSN 1757-8361, 2018. [DOI] |
The cassava monitoring survey in Nigeria: final report, Assfaw Wossen, T., Girma Tessema, G., Abdoulaye, T., Rabbi, I. Y., Olanrewaju, A., Bentley, J. W.*, Alene, A., Feleke, S., Kulakow, P., Asumugha, G.*, Abass, A., Tokula, M.* and Manyong, V., 2017. |
Effect of soy protein isolate on the functional, pasting, and sensory acceptability of cassava starch-based custard, Akinwale, T. E.*, Shittu, T.*, Adebowale, A.*, Adewuyi, S.* and Abass, A., in: Food Science & Nutrition, pages 1-7, ISSN 2048-7177, 2017. [DOI] |
Assessment of heavy metals and microbial contamination of gari from Liberia, Awoyale, W., Asiedu, R., Kawalawu, W. K.*, Maziya-Dixon, B., Abass, A., Edet, M. and Adetunji, M.*, in: Food Science & Nutrition, pages 1-5, ISSN 2048-7177, 2017. [DOI] |
Impact of farmer practices on the quality of maize grain stored in air-tight bags in Tanzania: proceeding/poster, Mutungi, C., Gaspar, A., Kabula, E., Bekunda, M. and Abass, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2017. |
Consumer's acceptability and willingness-to-pay for composite bread baked with high quality cassava flour from yellow-fleshed cassava roots: proceeding/poster, Awoyale, W., Abass, A., Alamu, E. O., Maziya-Dixon, B. and Amaza, P.*, Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2017. |
Occurrence of regulated mycotoxins and other microbial metabolites in dried cassava products from Nigeria, Abass, A., Awoyale, W., Sulyok, M. and Alamu, E. O., in: Toxins, volume 9, number 7, pages 1-14, ISSN 2072-6651, 2017. [DOI] |
Breeding cassava to meet consumer preferences for product quality, Abass, A., Awoyale, W., Sanni, L. O.* and Shittu, T.*, volume 2, pages 197-210, chapter 9, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, ISBN 978-1-78676-004-3, 2017. |
Manual: setting up a packhouse for waxing and relative humidity storage of fresh cassava roots, Matovu, M.*, Wanda, K., Alenkhe, B., Muyinza, H.*, Nuwamanya, E.*, Aceng, S.*, Nyamutoka, P.*, Menya, G.*, Nyakaisiki, E.*, Nanyondo, R.*, Kaliisa, R.*, Waigumba, S.*, Kwagala, I.* and Abass, A., CGIAR, 2016. |
Manual: fresh cassava roots handling for waxing and relative humidity storage, Waigumba, S.*, Matovu, M.*, Nuwamanya, E.*, Nyamutoka, P.*, Kaliisa, R.*, Nanyondo, R.*, Muyinza, H.*, Wanda, K. and Abass, A., CGIAR, 2016. |
Cassava flour and starch: processing technology and utilization, Shittu, T.*, Alimi, B. A.*, Wahab, B.*, Sanni, L. and Abass, A., pages 415-450, chapter 10.1, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-1-118-99269-2, 2016. [DOI] |
Improved energy performance of small-scale pneumatic dryers used for processing cassava in Africa, Precoppe, M., Tran, T., Chapuis, A., Muller, J. and Abass, A., in: Biosystems Engineering, volume 151, pages 510-519, ISSN 1537-5110, 2016. [DOI] |
Screening of some cassava starches for their potential applications in custard and salad cream productions, Akinwale, T. E.*, Niniola, D. M.*, Abass, A., Shittu, T.*, Adebowale, A.*, Awoyale, W.*, Awonorin, S.*, Adewuyi, S.* and Eromosele, C. O.*, in: Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, pages 1-11, ISSN 1932-7587, 2016. [DOI] |
Differentials in technical efficiency among smallholder cassava farmers in Central Madagascar: a Cobb Douglas stochastic frontier production approach, Okoye, B.*, Abass, A., Bachwenkizi, B., Asumugha, G.*, Alenkhe, B., Ranaivoson, R.*, Randrianarivelo, R.*, Rabemanantsoa, N.* and Ralimanana, I.*, in: Cogent Economics and Finance, volume 4, number 1, pages 1-10, ISSN Online: 2332-2039, 2016. [DOI] |
Effect of transaction costs on market participation among smallholder cassava farmers in Central Madagascar, Okoye, B.*, Abass, A., Bachwenkizi, B., Asumugha, G.*, Alenkhe, B., Ranaivoson, R.*, Randrianarivelo, R.*, Rabemanantsoa, N.* and Ralimanana, I.*, in: Cogent Economics and Finance, volume 4, number 1, pages 1-20, ISSN Online: 2332-2039, 2016. [DOI] |
Physical properties of cassava grits before and after pneumatic drying, Romuli, S., Abass, A. and Muller, J., in: Journal of Food Process Engineering, pages 1-9, ISSN 0145-8876, 2016. [DOI] |
Adoption of mechanized postharvest cassava processing technologies, and the determinants of high quality cassava flour (HQCF) processing in Tanzania, Amaza, P.*, Abass, A., Bachwenkizi, B. and Towo, E.*, in: Tropicultura, volume 34, number 4, pages 411-423, ISSN 0771-3312, 2016. |
Analyses of labour productivity among small-holder cassava farmers for food security and empowerment in central Madagascar, Okoye, B.*, Abass, A., Bachwenkizi, B., Asumugha, G.*, Alenkhe, B., Ranaivoson, R.*, Randrianarivelo, R.*, Rabemanantsoa, N.* and Ralimanana, I.*, in: International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, volume 6, number 3, pages 309-318, ISSN 2159-5852, 2016. |
Assessment of the potential industrial applications of commercial dried cassava products in Nigeria, Awoyale, W., Abass, A., Ndavi, M., Maziya-Dixon, B. and Sulyok, M., in: Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, pages 1-12, ISSN 1932-7587, 2016. [DOI] |
The impact of mechanized processing of cassava on farmers' production efficiency in Uganda, Abass, A., Amaza, P.*, Bachwenkizi, B., Wanda, K.*, Agona, A.* and Cromme, N., in: Applied Economics Letters, pages 1-5, ISSN 1350-4851, 2016. [DOI] |
Adding value through the mechanization of post-harvest cassava processing, and its impact on household poverty in north-eastern Zambia, Abass, A., Amaza, P.*, Bachwenkizi, B., Alenkhe, B., Mukuka, I.* and Cromme, N., in: Applied Economics Letters, pages 1-5, ISSN 1350-4851, 2016. [DOI] |
Can food technology innovation change the status of a food security crop? A review of cassava transformation into "Bread" in Africa, Abass, A., Awoyale, W., Alenkhe, B., Ndavi, M., Asiru, W. B.*, Manyong, V. and Sanginga, N., in: Food Reviews International, pages 1-16, ISSN 8755-9129, 2016. [DOI] |
Tunnel dryer and pneumatic dryer performance evaluation to improve small-scale cassava processing in Tanzania, Precoppe, M., Chapuis, A., Muller, J. and Abass, A., in: Journal of Food Process Engineering, pages 1-10, ISSN 0145-8876, 2015. [DOI] |
Cassava development for the agricultural investment and markets development project, Fotso Kuate, A., Hanna, R. and Abass, A., Poster presentation on Cassava Development for the Agricultural Investment and Markets Development Project (AIMDP), 2015. |
Increasing smallholders' intensity in cassava value web: effect on household food security in Southwest Nigeria, Adeyemo, T. A.*, Abass, A., Amaza, P.*, Okoruwa, V.*, Akinyosoye, V.* and Salman, K. K.*, Tropentag, 2015. |
An assessment of the use of postharvest loss prevention technologies for cassava in Nigeria, Adejumo, O.*, Abass, A., Okoruwa, V.* and Salman, K. K.*, Tropentag, 2015. |
Performance evaluation of two cassava drying systems used by smallholder farmers' cooperatives at coastal Tanzania. Proceedings (Oral) of the Advances in Sustainable Food Processing Conference, Brazil 2014, Precoppe, M., Alenkhe, B., Msangi, M., Randriamorasata, J.*, Bachwenkizi, B., Muller, J. and Abass, A., Abstract, O7.2 in Program and abstracts of Advances in Sustainable Food Processing: challenges for the future conference, held at Royal palm plaza hotel Campinas Sao paulo, Brazil. 5-7 November, 2014. |
Quantitation of multiple mycotoxins and cyanogenic glucosides in cassava samples from Tanzania and Rwanda by an LC-MS/MS-based multi-toxin method, Sulyok, M., Beed, F., Boni, S., Abass, A., Mukunzi, A.* and Krska, R., in: Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, pages 1-16, ISSN 1944-0049, 2014. [DOI] |
Awareness and adoption of improved cassava varieties and processing technologies in Nigeria, Abdoulaye, T., Abass, A., Maziya-Dixon, B., Tarawali, G., Okechukwu, R., Rusike, J., Alene, A., Manyong, V. and Ayedun, B., in: Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, volume 6, number 2, pages 67-75, ISSN 2006-9774, 2014. [DOI] |
Quality assurance for potato crisps processing: a training manual, Abass, A., Uzaribara, E.*, Ndunguru, G. T., Mulwa, R. M.* and Apolot, S.*, Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASERECA), 2014. |
Post-harvest food losses in a maize-based farming system of semi-arid savannah area of Tanzania, Abass, A., Ndunguru, G., Mamiro, P.*, Alenkhe, B., Mlingi, N. and Bekunda, M., in: Journal of Stored Products Research, volume 57, pages 49-57, ISSN 0022-474X, 2014. [DOI] |
Is Africa "ready" for an integrated bioeconomy approach?, Abass, A., in: Rural 21, volume 48, number 3, pages 32-33, ISSN 1866-8011, 2014. |
Growing cassava: a training manual from production to postharvest, Abass, A., Towo, E.*, Mukuka, I.*, Okechukwu, R., Ranaivoson, R.*, Tarawali, G. and Kanju, E., 2014. |
Quality assurance for cassava flour processing: a training manual, Abass, A., Asenge, E. S.*, Uzaribara, E.*, Ndunguru, G. T., Mulwa, R. M.* and Apolot, S.*, Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASERECA), 2014. |
Can primary producers sustainably derive higher financial benefits from direct engagement in mechanized cassava processing?, Bachwengizi, B., Towo, E.*, Mlingi, N.*, Omari, M., Ranaivoson, R.*, Rabemanantsoa, N.* and Abass, A., Abstract, P. 320 in the book of abstracts and programme of the 12th Triennial Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 30 - 5, October, Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana, 2013. |
Design and performance evaluation of an agricultural waste-heated cabinet dryer for cassava processing, Alenkhe, B., Randriamorasata, J.*, Msangi, M., Ranaivoson, R.*, Andrianavalona, V., Kolawole, P. and Abass, A., Abstract, P. 78 in the book of abstracts and programme of the 12th Triennial Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 30 - 5, October, Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana, 2013. |
Production du gari a partir du manioc: guide illustre a l'intention des transformateurs de manioc a petite echelle, James, B., Okechukwu, R., Abass, A., Fannah, S., Maziya-Dixon, B., Sanni, L. O.*, Osei-Sarfoh, A., Fomba, S. N.* and Lukombo, S.*, 2013. |
Potential for commercial production and marketing of cassava: experiences from the small-scale cassava processing project in East and Southern Africa, Abass, A., Mlingi, N., Ranaivoson, R.*, Zulu, M.*, Mukuka, I.*, Abele, S., Bachwenkizi, B. and Cromme, N., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-8444-04-6, 2013. |
Quality management manual for the production of gari, Abass, A., Dziedzoave, N.*, Alenkhe, B. and James, B., 2013. |
Cassava recipes for east and southern Africa, Abass, A., Towo, E.*, Ngonyani, H.*, Baseka, J., Tsiriarijoa, M., Msangi, M. and Mengji, W., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-8444-20-6, 2013. |
Inter-project linkages to create cassava enterprises for expanded markets and utilization, Ntawuruhunga, P., James, B., Sanni, L., Sandifolo, V.*, Tarawali, G., Okechukwu, R. and Abass, A., in: Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops and the Challenges of Globalization and Climate Changes. Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, 4 to 8 October 2010, pages 344-353, ISTRC-AB, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012. |
Innovative development of cassava processing machine as solution to crisis against agricultural systems. TROPENTAG, September 19 - 21, 2012, Gottingen, Germany, Kolawole, P., Agbetoye, L. A. S.*, Ogunlowo, A. S.*, Sanni, L. and Abass, A., Georg-August Universitat Gottingen and University of Kassel-Witzenhausen, 2012. |
Production et utilisation des farines de manioc dans la Boulangerie, Razafimahefa*, , Razanamparany, J. L.*, Bokanga, M.* and Abass, A., in: Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops and the Challenges of Globalization and Climate Changes. Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, 4 to 8 October 2010, pages 577-583, ISTRC-AB, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012. |
Producing gari from cassava: an illustrated guide for smallholder cassava processors, James, B., Okechukwu, R., Abass, A., Fannah, S., Maziya-Dixon, B., Sanni, L. O.*, Osei-Sarfoh, A., Fomba, S. N.* and Lukombo, S., 2012. |
Targeting cassava processing research for development investments to upgrade cassava value chains in Tanzania: Proceedings of the 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC)., Bachwenkizi, B., Rusike, J., Abass, A., Mlingi, N., Towo, E.*, Meghji, W.* and Malimi, K.*, ISTRC-AB, 2012. |
High quality cassava flour, promising raw material for bread, biscuit and pastry industries: lessons from a pilot study in Madagascar, Ranaivoson, R.*, Abass, A., Razafindrazaka, A.*, Randrianarivelo, R.*, Rakotomalala, V.*, Antasoa, R.* and Rasoaharaona, J.*, in: Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops and the Challenges of Globalization and Climate Changes. Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, 4 to 8 October 2010, pages 617-624, ISTRC-AB, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012. |
Quality management manual for the production of gari, Abass, A., Dziedzoave, N.*, Alenkhe, B. and James, B., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2012. |
Safeguarding good health of consumers: the opportunities and challenges of attaining quality compliance for processed cassava products in Africa, Abass, A., Missanga, M.*, Mosha, C.*, Mukuka, I.*, Ranaivoson, R.*, Bah, A. J.*, Fannah, S., James, B., Dziedzoave, N.*, Waithaka, M.* and Cromme, N., in: Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops and the Challenges of Globalization and Climate Changes. Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, 4 to 8 October 2010, pages 338-343, ISTRC-AB, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012. |
The untapped potential of cassava as a food security and industrial crop in eastern and southern Africa: a case study of Madagascar, Tanzania and Zambia, Abass, A., Mbabaali, S. and Cromme, N., in: Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops and the Challenges of Globalization and Climate Changes. Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, 4 to 8 October 2010, pages 542-548, ISTRC-AB, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012. |
Between isomorphism and entrepreneurship: the impact of standardisation on product quality, market access and livelihoods in Kenyan banana production: Proceedings of TROPENTAG., Matui, M. S., Ingenbleek, P., Linnemann, A., van Trijp, H. and Abass, A., 2011. |
Assessing the participation of IITA in cassava processing activities in Nigeria, Abdoulaye, T., Abass, A., Maziya-Dixon, B., Tarawali, G., Okechukwu, R., Rusike, J., Alene, A., Manyong, V. and Ayedun, B., in: Outcome and impact assessment at IITA: Issues and evidence. Proceedings of a mini-symposium on outcome and impact assessment at IITA., pages 8-10, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), IITA, 2011. |
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and marketing driven approaches: lessons from Africa, Abass, A., Bokanga, M., Dixon, A.* and Bramel, P., pages 305-352, chapter 12, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2011. |
Inter-project linkages to create cassava enterprises for expanded markets and utilization, Ntawuruhunga, P., James, B., Okechukwu, R., Sanni, L., Sandifolo, V., Tarawali, G., Abass, A. and Legg, J., Abstract in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010. |
Production et utilisation des farines de manioc panifiables dans la boulangerie, Razafimahefa*, , Razanamparany, J. L.*, Bokanga, M.* and Abass, A., Abstract (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010. |
Sustainable inclusion of smallholders in the emerging high quality cassava flour value chains in Africa: challenges for agricultural extension services, Adebayo, K., Abayomi, L., Abass, A., Dziedzoave, N.*, Forsythe, L., Hillocks, R. J., Gensi, R.*, Gibson, R., Graffham, A. J., Ilona, P., Kleih, U. K., Lamboll, R. I., Mahende, G.*, Martin, A. M., Onumah, G. E., Orr, A. W., Posthumus, H., Sanni, L. O.*, Sandifolo, V.* and Westby, A., in: Journal of Agricultural Extension, volume 14, number 1, pages 1-10, ISSN 1119-944X, 2010. |
Evaluation de l'impact environnemental des petites et moyennes entreprises de transformation de manioc en République Démocratique du Congo., Mubenga, P.*, Mahungu, N., Abass, A. and Lukombo, S.*, Abstract in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010. |
Sustainable approach for cassava processing in Africa, Sanni, L. O.*, Abass, A., Dixon, A., Tarawali, G. and Westby, A., in: Root and tuber crops for poverty alleviation through science and technology for sustainable development: proceedings of the 10th symposium of ISTRC-AB held from 8-12 October, 2007 in Maputo, Mozambique, pages 411-426, ISTRC-AB, 2010. |
Cassava postharvest technology: a review of postharvest handling practices and value adding in the cassava chain, Opara, U. L.* and Abass, A., Abstract (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa, 4-8 October, 2010. |
Make money from cassava: a call for champions from Madagascar, Tanzania and Zambia to invest in commercial cassava production, processing and value addition, Abass, A., Booklet, 2010. |
Safeguarding good health of consumers: the opportunities and challenges of attaining quality compliance for processed cassava products in Africa: Proceedings of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa, Abass, A., Missanga, M.*, Mosha, C.*, Mukuka, I.*, Ranaivoson, R.*, Bah, A. J.*, James, B., Dziedzoave, N.*, Waithaka, M.* and Cromme, N., 2010. |
Adaptation of gari processing technology from Nigeria to improve traditional rale processing and marketing in Mozambique, Abass, A., Italia, S.*, Zacarias, A.*, Monjane, I.*, Abdula, A.*, Kolijn, S., Bruno, L. A.* and Cromme, N., Abstract (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010. |
Bringing the benefits of improved cassava technologies to smallholders farmers and end-users, a case study of high quality cassava flour in Zambia, Abass, A., Chitundu, M.*, Mukuka, I.* and Zulu, M.*, Abstract (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010. |
The untapped potential of cassava as a food security and Industrial crop in Eastern and Southern Africa: a case study of Madagascar, Tanzania and Zambia., Abass, A., Mbabaali, S. and Cromme, N., Abstract (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010. |
Successes and challenges of cassava enterprises in West Africa: a case study of Nigeria, Benin and Sierra Leone, Sanni, L., Onadipe, O. O., Ilona, P., Davis-Mussagy, M., Abass, A. and Dixon, A.*, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-340-4, 2009. |
Aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination of cassava products and maize grain from markets in Tanzania and republic of the Congo, Manjula, K., Hell, K., Fandohan, P.*, Abass, A. and Bandyopadhyay, R., in: Toxin Reviews, volume 28, number 2-3, pages 63-69, ISSN 1556-9543, 2009. |
An assessment of the potential efficiency and profitability of value-addition and marketing innovations involving smallholder farmers under a pilot system in Tanzania, Abass, A., Abele, S., Mlingi, N.*, Rweyendela, V. and Ndunguru, G.*, 2009. |
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and marketing driven approaches: lessons from Africa, Abass, A., Bokanga, M.*, Dixon, A.* and Bramel, P., 2009. |
Recent developments in cassava processing, utilization and marketing in east and southern Africa and lessons learned, Abass, A., Poster presentation, 2008. |
Quality management manual for the production of high quality cassava flour, Dziedzoave, N.*, Abass, A., Amoa-Awua, W. K. A. and Sablah, M., 2006. |
How to make high quality cassava flour (HQCF), Abass, A., 2006. |
Promotion of cassava leaves silage utilization for smallholder dairy production in Eastern Coast of Tanzania, Kavana, P., Kiddo, M., Abass, A. and Rweyendela, V., in: Livestock Research for Rural Development, volume 17, number 4, pages 43-44, 2005. |
New food products from cassava, Onabolu, A., Abass, A. and Bokanga, M., 2003. |
Fried yam chips: from a traditional favorite to a modern food product, Bokanga, M., Abass, A., Olorunda, A. O.* and Asiedu, R., in: Poster presented at the International Union of Food Science and Technology's 12th World Congress of Food Science and Technology; July 16-20, 2003 Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2003. |
Agriculture and food industry in Nigeria, Abass, A. and Shiwachi, H ., Japan External Trade Organization, 2003. |
Agriculture and food industry in Ghana, Abass, A. and Shiwachi, H ., Japan External Trade Organization; 2003. Guide report for food industry in Africa, 2003. |
Effect of age of yam tuber at harvest on the qualities of yam foods, Abass, A., Olorunade, A. O. and Asiedu, R., in: Root crops: the small processor and development of local food industries for market economy: proceeding of the Eighth Triennial Syposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 12-16 November 2001, Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 131-138, 2003. |