Onyeka, T. J.*    

Firstname:T. J.* 
Institute:National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, P.M.B. 7006, Umuahia, Nigeria 
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10 publications (0 read)

6 Keywords relate to this author

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Genotype x environment (G x E) interaction
Stable resistance
Water yam
Yam anthracnose
Yam mosaic virus

Publications as Author


Current and future advances in genomics-assisted cassava breeding, Abah, S. P.*, Ezenwaka, L.*, Njoku, D.*, Okwuonu, I. C.*, Onyeka, T. J.* and Egesi, C., pages 29-47, chapter 4, CRC Press, ISBN 978-03677-6695-5, 2022. [DOI]
Advances on engineering cassava for food and nutrition sec in the 21st century, Okereke, N. R.*, Okwuonu, I. C.*, Onyeka, T. J.*, Egesi, C. and Popoola, A. R.*, pages 13-27, chapter 3, CRC Press, ISBN 978-03677-6695-5, 2022. [DOI]
Genome engineering: a new frontier for improving root and tuber crops, Okwuonu, I. C.*, Obidiegwu, J., Onyeka, T. J.* and Egesi, C., pages 49-68, chapter 5, CRC Press, ISBN 978-03677-6695-5, 2022. [DOI]


An EST-SSR based genetic linkage map and identification of QTLs for anthracnose disease resistance in water yam (Dioscorea alata L.), Bhattacharjee, R., Nwadili, C., Saski, C. A., Agre, A. P., Scheffler, B. E., Augusto, J., Lopez-Montes, A., Onyeka, T. J.*, Kumar, P. L. and Bandyopadhyay, R., in: PLoS ONE, volume 13, number 10:e0197717, pages 1-16, ISSN 1932-6203, 2018. [DOI]


Comparative reliability of screening parameters for anthracnose resistance in water yam (Dioscorea alata), Nwadili, C., Augusto, J., Bhattacharjee, R., Atehnkeng, J., Lopez-Montes, A., Onyeka, T. J.*, Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R. and Bandyopadhyay, R., in: Plant Disease, pages 1-8, ISSN 0191-2917, 2016. [DOI]


Screening of F1 mapping population of yam (Dioscorea alata) for resistance to anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in the screenhouse and field, Nwadili, C., Bandyopadhyay, R., Bhattacharjee, R., Augusto, J., Lopez-Montes, A. and Onyeka, T. J.*, Abstract in First Global Conference on Yam 'to harness research innovations to unleash the potential of yam', 3-6 October, 2013 Accra, Ghana, 2013.
Biofortification of cassava for pro-vitamin A in Nigeria: a model for collaborative scaling out for reduction of vitamin A deficiency in Africa, Egesi, C. N.*, Olasanmi, B.*, Onyeka, T. J.*, Njoku, D.*, Ogbuekiri, H.*, Okogbenin, E.*, Ilona, P., Parkes, E. and Kulakow, P., Abstract, P. 238 in the book of abstracts and programme of the 12th Triennial Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 30 - 5, October, Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana, 2013.


First report of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) leaf blight caused by Phytophthora colocasiae in Nigeria, Bandyopadhyay, R., Sharma, K., Onyeka, T. J.*, Aregbesola, A. and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, volume 95, number 5, pages 618, ISSN 0191-2917, 2011. [DOI]


Current status of yam anthracnose disease in various agroecological zones of Nigeria., Onyeka, T. J.*, Zandjanakou-Tachin, M., Bandyopadhyay, R., Asiedu, R. and Ikeorgu, J.*, Abstract (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010.


Environmental stability of resistance to anthracnose and virus diseases of water yam (Dioscorea alata), Egesi, C. N.*, Onyeka, T. J.* and Asiedu, R., in: African Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 4, number 2, pages 113-118, ISSN 1991-637X, 2009.