Ajayi, M. T.*    

Firstname:M. T.* 
Institute:Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Benin, P. M. B. 1154, Benin City, Nigeria 
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Publications as Author


Empowering farmers through discovery learning: a case study of Farmer Field School (FFS) training on cocoa Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Ondo State, Nigeria, Ajayi, M. T.*, Banmeke, T. O. A.* and Okafor, C., in: Journal of Environmental Extension, volume 7, pages 37-42, ISSN 1595-5125, 2008.


Extension agents' perception of participatory agricultural extension approaches adopted by Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) in Ondo State Nigeria, Ajayi, M. T.* and Okafor, C., in: International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, volume 4, number 1, pages 20-25, ISSN 1597-3077, 2006.