Kahangi, E.*    

Institute:Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, P. O. Box 62000, Nairobi 

11 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum endophytes provide field control of nematodes, improving yield of banana (Musa sp.), Waweru, B. W.*, Turoop, L., Kahangi, E.*, Coyne, D. and Dubois, T., in: Biological Control, volume 74, pages 82-88, ISSN 1049-9644, 2014. [DOI]


Tissue culture banana (Musa spp.) for smallholder farmers: lessons learnt from East Africa, Dubois, T., Dusabe, Y., Lule, M., Van Asten, P., Coyne, D., Hobayo, J. C., Nkurunziza, S., Ouma, E., Kabunga, N., Qaim, M., Kahangi, E.*, Mwirigi, P.*, Mwaura, P.*, Kisii, D.*, Kizito, H.* and Mugisha, J.*, in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 986, pages 51-59, ISSN 0567-7572, 2013.
Potential biological control of lesion nematodes on banana using Kenyan strains of endophytic Fusarium oxysporum, Waweru, B. W.*, Losenge, T.*, Kahangi, E.*, Dubois, T. and Coyne, D., in: Nematology, volume 15, number 1, pages 101-107, ISSN 1388-5545, 2013. [DOI]


Production gradients in smallholder banana (cv. Giant Cavendish) farms in central Kenya, Okumu, M. O.*, Van Asten, P., Kahangi, E.*, Okech, S. H.*, Jefwa, J.* and Vanlauwe, B.+, in: Scientia Horticulturae, volume 127, number 4, pages 475-481, ISSN 0304-4238, 2011. [DOI]


Effect of endophytic Fusarium oxysporum on paralysis and mortality of Pratylenchus goodeyi, Mwaura, P.*, Dubois, T., Losenge, T.*, Coyne, D. and Kahangi, E.*, in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 9, number 8, pages 1130-1134, ISSN 1684-5315, 2010.


Financing, handling, hardening and marketing of tissue culture-derived planting material through nurseries: the case of banana and plantain in Kenya, Uganda and Burundi, Bauer, L., Burkart, S., Abele, S., Kahangi, E.*, Dubois, T., Coyne, D. and Hoffmann, V., in: Tropentag 2009: Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural, University of Hamburg, October 6-8, 2009, pages 1-4, 2009.
In vitro screening of endophytic Fusarium oxysporum against banana nematode (Helicotylenchus multicinctus), Mwaura, P.*, Kahangi, E.*, Losenge, T.*, Dubois, T. and Coyne, D., in: African Journal of Horticultural Science, volume 2, pages 103-110, ISSN 1998-9326, 2009.


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the rhizosphere of bananas in farming systems of Central Kenya, Jefwa, J.*, Ruto, L.*, Elsen, A., Kahangi, E.*, Van Asten, P., Losenge, T.*, Mwajita, M.*, Vanlauwe, B. and Sanginga, N.+, Abstract, 2007.
Arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) associated with rhizosphere of banana systems, Vanlauwe, B., Ruto, L.*, Kahangi, E.*, Van Asten, P., Losenge, T.* and Mnyazi, J. J.*, International Conference on 'Rhizosphere 2', 26-31 August 2007, Montpellier, France, 2007.


Endophyte-enhanced banana tissue culture: technology transfer through public-private partnerships in Kenya and Uganda, Dubois, T., Coyne, D., Kahangi, E.*, Turoop, L. and Nsubuga, E., in: African Technology Development Forum (ATDF) Journal, volume 3, number 1, pages 18-24, 2006.


Banana inputs, production, and marketing in Kenya and Uganda, Jefwa, J.*, Kahangi, E.*, Rutto, L., Odee, D., Mubiru, P., Gold, C., Okech, S., Elsen, A., Gichuki, C, Vanlauwe, B. and Sanginga, N., in: Enhanced soil productivity in East and Southern Africa: Rockefeller Foundation Grantees workshop, 20-23 September 2004, Nairobi, Kenya, 2004.