Dashiell, K.+    

Institute:USDA-ARS, North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory, 2923 Medary Ave, Brookings 
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Publications as Author


Using value chain analysis to target agricultural research-for-development investments in grain legumes in Mozambique, Rusike, J., Boahen, S., Dashiell, K.+ and Cachomba, I.*, in: Proceedings of the 10th African Crop Science Society Conference "From Soil to Soul - Crop production for improved African Livelihoods and a better environment for future generations" 10th-13th October 2011, Maputo, pages 1-14, African Crop Science Society, 2011.


Breeding progress for grain yield and associated traits in medium and late maturing promiscuous soybeans in Nigeria, Tefera, H., Kamara, A., Asafo-Adjei, B.* and Dashiell, K.+, in: Euphytica, volume 175, number 2, pages 251-260, ISSN 1573-5060, 2010. [DOI]
Participatory research extension approach: N2Africa extension method, Ajeigbe, H. and Dashiell, K.+, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-50004-1-2, 2010.


Improvement in grain and fodder yields of early-maturing promiscuous soybean varieties in the Guinea savanna of Nigeria, Tefera, H., Kamara, A., Asafo-Adjei, B.* and Dashiell, K.+, in: Crop Science, volume 49, pages 2037-2042, ISSN 0011-183X, 2009.


Effect of P fertilizer application on N balance of soybean crop in the guinea savanna of Nigena, Ogoke, I.*, Carsky, R., Togun, A.* and Dashiell, K.+, in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 100, number 2-3, pages 153-159, ISSN 0167-8809, 2003.
Soil N balance as affected by soybean maturity class in the Guinea savanna of Nigeria, Singh, A.*, Carsky, R., Lucas, E. O.* and Dashiell, K.+, in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 100, number 2-3, pages 231-240, ISSN 0167-8809, 2003.