Leke, W. N.*    

Firstname:W. N.* 
Institute:Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD), Bambui, P.O. Box 80 Bamenda, Cameroon 
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Publications as Author


First report of soybean chlorotic blotch virus and west African Asystasia virus 1 infecting cassava and a wild cassava relative in Cameroon and Togo, Leke, W. N.*, Mignouna, D., Brown, J. and Fondong, V. N., in: New Disease Reports, volume 33, pages 24, ISSN 2044-0588, 2016. [DOI]
Complete genome sequence of a new bipartite begomovirus infecting cotton in the Republic of Benin in west Africa, Leke, W. N.*, Khatabi, B., Mignouna, D., Brown, J. and Fondong, V. N., in: Archives of Virology, pages 1-5, ISSN 0304-8608, 2016. [DOI]


Detection and identification of begomoviruses from landraces of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) in Cameroon, Leke, W. N.*, Ramsell, J. N. E.*, Titanji, V. P. K.*, Legg, J., Brown, J., Ngeve, J., Njualem, D., Fondong, V. N. and Kvarnheden, A., in: Cameroon Journal of Agricultural Science, volume 2, number 1, pages 20-24, 2006.