Dusabe, J.    

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7 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Boiling water treatment: a simple, rapid and effective technique for nematode and banana weevil management in banana and plantain (Musa spp.) planting material, Coyne, D., Wasukira, A.*, Dusabe, J., Rotifa, I. and Dubois, T., in: Crop Protection, volume 29, pages 1478-1482, 2010.


On-farm evaluation of endophyte-enhanced, tissue-culture banana planting material for increased production and better nematode management, Dusabe, J., Dubois, T. and Coyne, D., Abstract in South African Journal of Plant and Soil 27(3), p. 287, 2009.


Evaluation of East African highland banana land races and hybrids for resistance to banana nematodes in semi-arid Uganda, Wasukira, A., Coyne, D., Dubois, T., Dusabe, J., Pillay, M. and Lorenzen, J., Abstract (oral Presentation), P. 104 in the Program and Book of Abstracts, International Banana 2008 Conference, "Banana and Plantain in Africa: Harnessing International Partnerships to Increase Research Impact"., 2008.


New sources of resistance to Radopholus similis in Musa germplasm from Asia, Dochez, C., Dusabe, J., Whyte, J., Tenkouano, A., Ortiz, R. and De Waele, D., in: Australasian Plant Pathology, volume 35, pages 481-485, 2006.


Yam germplasm conservation and screening in Uganda, Kagoda, F., Coyne, D., Asiedu, R., Wanyera, N., Mudiope, J., Dusabe, J. and Kyamuhangire, W., in: 7th African Crop Science conference, pages 245-249, 2005.


Early screening of cassava for resistance to root-knot nematodes, Kagoda, F., Coyne, D., Kajumba, C. and Dusabe, J., in: Ugandan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, volume 9, pages 590-593, 2004.


Relative importance of nematodes, weevils (Cosmopolites sordidus) and leaf diseases as Musa production constraints in central Uganda, Speijer, P., Gold, C. and Dusabe, J., in: Abstracts of the 14th symposium of the Nematological Society of Southern Africa, Dikhololo, South Africa, 30 May 2 June, pages 16, 1999.