Nweke, F.    

Institute:Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA 
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Factors influencing the use of selected inputs in yam production in Nigeria and Ghana, Mignouna, D., Abdoulaye, T., Akinola, A., Alene, A. and Nweke, F., in: Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, volume 116, number 2, pages 131-142, ISSN 1612-9830, 2015.


Yam: a cash crop in West Africa: YIIFSWA working paper series, No. 3, Mignouna, D., Akinola, A., Suleman, I., Nweke, F. and Abdoulaye, T., YIIFSWA working paper series, 2014.


Cassava improvement in sub-Saharan Africa: contributions of IITA and its partners, Dixon, A., Okechukwu, R., Ssemakula, G., Hanna, R., Thresh, J. M., Hughes, J., Ingelbrecht, I., Fregene, M.*, Legg, J., Mahungu, N., Nweke, F., Ntawuruhunga, P., Fauquet, C., Manyong, V., Neuenschwander, P., Whyte, J., Wydra, K., Asiedu, R., Egesi, C. N.*, Bandyopadhyay, R., Winter, S., Tarawali, G., Bokanga, M., Ezedinma, C., Sanni, L., Ferguson, M., Ogbe, F., Akoroda, M., Maziya-Dixon, B., Ilona, P., Ekanayake, I. J., Ariyo, O., Onyeka, J.*, Otim-Nape, G.*, Dahniya, M. T., Ortiz, R., Hahn, S. K. and Hartmann, P., 2008.


Trends in farm labour productivity and implications for cassava industrialisation in Nigeria, Ezedinma, C., Okarter, C., Asumugha, G.* and Nweke, F., in: Repositioning agriculture for sustainable millennium development goals in Nigeria: proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria held at the National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, Abia State, 16-20 October, pages 109-115, Agricultural Society of Nigeria, 2006.
Trends in cassava productivity and implications for cassava industrialisation in Nigeria, Okarter, C., Asumugha, G.* and Nweke, F., pages 109-115, National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, Umuahia, 2006.


Contribution of men and women to food crop production labour in Africa: information from COSCA, Enete, A., Nweke, F. and Tollens, E. F., in: Outlook on Agriculture, volume 31, number 4, pages 259-265, ISSN 0030-7270, 2002.
The cassava transformation: Africa's best-kept secret, Nweke, F., Spencer, D. and Lynam, J.*, Michigan State University Press, ISBN 0-87013-602-X, 2002.


Defferentiated gender ownership of cassava fields and implications for root yield variations in small holder agriculture of southeast Nigeria, Enete, A., Nweke, F., Achike, A.I. and Tollens, E. F., in: Tropicultura, volume 19, number 3, pages 105-109, ISSN 0771-3312, 2001.


Impact of agroecology on soil fertility status and cassava yield in Nigeria: 1: nutrient levels in soils growing cassava, Asadu, C.* and Nweke, F., in: African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, volume 4, number 1, pages 14-19, 2000.
Cassava production and processing in the Democratic Republic of Congo: COSCA working paper, No 22, Nweke, F., Lutete, D., Dixon, A., Ugwu, B., Ajobo, O., Kalombo, N. and Bukaka, B., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-161-4, 2000.
Cassava production and processing in Côte d'Ivoire: COSCA working paper, No. 23, Nweke, F., Ngoram, K., Dixon, A., Ugwu, B. and Ajobo, O., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-162-2, 2000.


Soils of arable crop fields in sub-Saharan Africa; focus on cassava-growing areas: COSCA working paper, No. 18, Asadu, C.* and Nweke, F., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-157-6, 1999.
Impact of agroecology on soil fertility status and cassava yield in Nigeria: II: contributions of soil properties to cassava yield variations, Asadu, C.* and Nweke, F., in: African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, volume 4, number 1, pages 20-24, 1999.
Gender surprises in food production, processing, and marketing with emphasis on cassava in Africa: COSCA working paper, No. 19, Nweke, F. and Enete, A., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-158-4, 1999.
Cassava production in Nigeria; a function of farmer access to markets and to improved production and processing technologies: COSCA working paper, No. 20, Nweke, F., Ugwu, B., Dixon, A., Asadu, C.* and Ajobo, O., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-159-2, 1999.
Cassava production in Ghana; a function of market demand and farmer access to improved production and processing technologies: COSCA working paper, No. 21, Nweke, F., Haleegoah, J., Dixon, A., Ajobo, O., Ugwu, B. and Al-Hassan, R., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-160-6, 1999.
Production prospects for cassava in Uganda: COSCA working paper, No. 17, Nweke, F., Otim-Nape, W., Dixon, A., Asadu, C.*, Bua, A.*, Ajobo, O., Ugwu, B., Baguma, Y.* and Masembe-Kajubi, H., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-153-3, 1999.


Factors affecting the fertility status of soils growing cassava in sub-Saharan Africa, Asadu, C.*, Nweke, F. and Ekanayake, I. J., in: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, volume 29, pages 141-159, ISSN 0010-3624, 1998.
Shared responsibilities in food production, processing and marketing by gender with emphasis on cassava in Africa, Nweke, F. and Enete, A., 1998.
Production prospects for cassava in Tanzania: COSCA working paper, No. 16, Nweke, F., Kapinga, R., Dixon, A., Ugwu, B., Ajobo, O. and Asadu, C.*, COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-152-5, 1998.


Determinants of cassava distribution in Nigeria, Ugwu, B. O.* and Nweke, F., in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 60, pages 139-156, ISSN 0167-8809, 1996.
Spread and performance of improved cassava varieties in Nigeria, Nweke, F., Ugwu, B. and Dixon, A., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-106-1, 1996.
Cassava production prospects in Africa: COSCA working paper, No. 13, Nweke, F., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-104-5, 1996.
Cassava: a cash crop in Africa: COSCA working paper, No. 14, Nweke, F., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1996.


Trens in food crop yields under demographic pressure in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of cassava in Southeast Nigeria, Enete, A., Nweke, F. and Okorji, E. C., in: Outlook on Agriculture, volume 24, number 4, pages 249-254, ISSN 0030-7270, 1995.
Future prospects for cassava root yield in sub Saharan Africa, Nweke, F. and Spencer, D., in: Outlook on Agriculture, volume 24, number 1, pages 35-42, 1995.


Cassava distribution in sub-Saharan Africa: COSCA working paper, No. 12, Nweke, F., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1994.
Processing potential for cassava production growth in Africa: Cosca working paper, No. 11, Nweke, F., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1994.
Importance of cassava processing for production in sub-Saharan Africa, Nweke, F. and Bokanga, M., in: Cassava safety: proceedings of the International workshop on Cassava Safety, 1-4 March 1994, Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 401-412, International Society of Horticultural Science, 1994.
Attributes of cassava varieties desired by farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, Nweke, F., Dixon, A., Asiedu, R. and Folayan, S. A., in: Root crops for food security in Africa: proceedings of the Fifth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-African Branch, 22-28 November 1992, Kampala, Uganda, pages 65-92, ISTRC-AB; CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1994.
Cassava production trends in Africa, Nweke, F., Polson, R. and Strauss, J., in: Tropical root crops in a developing economy: proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, 20-26 October 1991, Accra, Ghana, pages 311-321, ISTRC; Government of Ghana; International Institute of Tropical Agricultuer (IITA), 1994.
Cassava varietal needs of farmers and the potential for production growth in Africa: COSCA working paper, No. 10, Nweke, F., Dixon, A., Asiedu, R. and Folayan, S. A., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1994.
Circumstances of rapid spread of cultivation of improved cassava varieties in Nigeria, Nweke, F., Hahn, S. K. and Ugwu, B., in: Journal of Farming Systems Research-Extension, volume 4, number 3, pages 93-119, 1994.
Expenditure elasticities of demand for major food items in south-east Nigeria, Nweke, F., Okorji, E. C., Njoku, J. E. and King, D. J., in: Tropical Agriculture, volume 71, number 3, pages 229-234, ISSN 0041-3216, 1994.


Economics of root crop processing and utilization in Africa: a challenge for research, Nweke, F., pages 27-35, ISTRC-AB; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture(IITA), 1992.
Elasticities of demand for major food items in a root and tuber-based food system: emphasis on yam and cassava in Southeastern Nigeria: RCMP Research monograph, No. 11, Nweke, F., Okorji, E. C., Njoku, J. E.* and King, D. J., RCMP Research monograph, No. 11, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992.


Production costs in the yam-based cropping systems of southeastern Nigeria: RCMP research monograph, No. 6, Nweke, F., Ugwu, B., Asadu, C.* and Ay, P., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991.


Status of data on cassava in major producing countries of Africa: Cameroon, Cote d' lvoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zaire, Nweke, F., Lynam, J.* and Prudencio, C.Y., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1990.
Methodologies and data requirements for cassava systems study in Africa: COSCA working paper, No. 4, Nweke, F., Lynam, J.* and Prudencio, C.Y., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1990.


Relative changes in the nutrient composition of six cultivars of white yam grown in three ecozones of southeastern Nigeria, Asadu, C.*, Ezumah, H. C., Akammigbo, F. O. and Nweke, F., pages 126-137, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1989.


The performance of six cultivars of white yam derived from three sources and evaluated across three zones in southern Nigeria, Asadu, C.*, Ezumah, H. C., Nweke, F. and Akammigbo, F. O., pages 214-224, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988.
Response of a cassava-maize intercrop to nitrogen in two-year sequential cropping, Ezumah, H. C., Nweke, F., Kalabare, N. D. and Karunwi, A., pages 161-175, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988.
Cropping systems and agroeconomic performance of improved cassava in a humid forest ecosystem: RCMP Research monograph, No. 2, Nweke, F., Ezumah, H. C. and Spencer, D., RCMP Research monograph, No. 2, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988.
Productivity and limitations of plantain (Musa spp. cv AAB) production in compound gardens in southeaster Nigeria, Nweke, F., Njoku, J. E.* and Wilson, G. F., in: Fruits, volume 43, number 3, pages 161-166, 1988.
Collaborative Study of Cassava in Africa (COSCA); project description: COSCA working paper, No. 1, Nweke, F., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988.
Performance of improved IITA cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, at farm level, Nweke, F., Ezumah, H. C. and Spencer, D., pages 83-88, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988.
Economics of fertilizer application by different methods in a cassava-maize intercrop system, Nweke, F., Ezumah, H. C. and Agu, M., pages 124-131, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988.
Collecting and interpreting relevant data required to link research results from varying environments: an economist's perspective, Nweke, F., pages 37-45, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988.
Cropping systems and agronomic performance of improved cassava (Manihoti esculenta Crantz), in a humid forest ecosystem, Nweke, F., Ezumah, H. C. and Spencer, D., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988.
COSCA project description: COSCA working paper, No. 1, Nweke, F., COSCA working paper, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988.


Women in farm production and research, Ay, P. and Nweke, F., ILCA, 1984.
Women and food processing in southern Nigeria, Nweke, F. and Ay, P., ILCA, 1984.


Bases for farm resource allocation in the smallholder cropping systems of Southeastern Nigeria: a case study of Awka and Abakaliki Villages, Nweke, F. and Winch, F. E., Discussion paper, 1980.