Norman, P. E.*    

Firstname:P. E.* 
Institute:Njala Agricultural Research Centre (NARC)/ Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute (SLARI), PMB 540, Freetown, Sierra Leone 
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8 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Identification of quantitative trait nucleotides and candidate genes for tuber yield and mosaic virus tolerance in an elite population of white guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata) using genome-wide association scan, Agre, A. P., Norman, P. E.*, Asiedu, R. and Asfaw, A., in: BMC Plant Biology, volume 21, number : 552, pages 1-16, ISSN 1471-2229, 2021. [DOI]


Genetic characterization of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) genotypes using agro-morphological and single nucleotide polymorphism markers, Karim, K. Y.*, Ifie, B. E.*, Dzidzienyo, D.*, Danquah, E.*, Blay, E.*, Whyte, J., Kulakow, P., Rabbi, I. Y., Parkes, E., Omoigui, L., Norman, P. E.* and Iluebbey, P., in: Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, volume 26, number 2, pages 317-330, ISSN 0971-5894, 2020. [DOI]
Genetic analysis of tuber yield and quality traits in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir), Norman, P. E.*, University of Ghana, 2020.


Pollination success in some white yam genotypes under polycross and nested mating designs, Norman, P. E.*, Asfaw, A., Tongoona, P.*, Danquah, A.*, Danquah, E.*, De Koeyer, D. and Asiedu, R., in: International Journal of Biological Sciences and Applications, volume 5, number 2, pages 19-28, ISSN 2375-3811, 2018.
Can parentage analysis facilitate breeding activities in root and tuber crops?, Norman, P. E.*, Asfaw, A., Tongoona, P.*, Danquah, A.*, Danquah, E.*, De Koeyer, D. and Asiedu, R., in: Agriculture, volume 8, number 7, pages 1-24, ISSN 2077-0472, 2018. [DOI]


Effect of staking and non-staking systems on disease severity, yield and quality attributes of yams (Dioscorea alata), Norman, P. E.*, Whyte, J., Samura, A. E.*, Massaquoi, A.*, Sessay, L.*, Dixon, A., Fomba, S. N.*, Benya, M.T.* and Sowa, M.*, in: Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, volume 2, number 4, pages 219-229, ISSN 2394-1073, 2015. [DOI]


Current status of root and tuber crops improvement, production and utilization in Sierra Leone, Fomba, S. N.*, Massaquoi, F. B.*, Norman, P. E.*, Samura, A. E.*, Mansaray, A.*, Jalloh, A.*, Dixon, A.*, Anthony, N.A.*, Benya, M.T.*, Fornah, D.S.*, Sawi, M.K.*, Sartie, A. M., Onadipe, O. O. and Sanni, L., in: Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops and the Challenges of Globalization and Climate Changes. Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, 4 to 8 October 2010, pages 134-150, ISTRC-AB, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012.


Current Status of Root and Tuber Crops Improvement, Production and Utilization in Sierra Leone, Fomba, S. N.*, Massaquoi, F. B.*, Norman, P. E.*, Samura, A. E.*, Mansaray, A.*, Tucker, M.J.*, Jalloh, A.*, Dixon, A.*, Sawi, M.K.*, Anthony, N.A.*, Sowe, S.*, Beah, A.A.*, Benya, M.T.*, Fornah, D.S.*, Sartie, A. M., Onadipe, O. O., Sanni, L. and Sanyang, S., Abstract (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010.