Mulenga, R.*    

Institute:Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) 
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8 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


First report of southern bean mosaic virus infecting common bean in Zambia, Mulenga, R.*, Miano, D.*, Kaimoyo, E. *, Akello, J., Nzuve, F. M.*, Al Rwahnih, M., Chikoti, P.*, Chiona, M.*, Simulundu, E. * and Alabi, O. J., in: Plant Disease, volume 104, number 6, pages 1-3, ISSN 0191-2917, 2020. [DOI]
First report of Ethiopian tobacco bushy top virus and its associated satellite RNA infecting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Zambia, Mulenga, R.*, Miano, D.*, Kaimoyo, E. *, Akello, J., Nzuve, F. M.*, Simulundu, E. * and Alabi, O. J., in: Plant Disease, pages 1-2, ISSN 0191-2917, 2020. [DOI]


Survey, molecular detection and characterization of geminiviruses associated with cassava mosaic disease in Zambia, Mulenga, R.*, Legg, J., Ndunguru, J.*, Miano, D.*, Mutitu, E. W.*, Chikoti, P.* and Alabi, O., in: Plant Disease, volume 100, number 7, pages 1379-1387, ISSN 0191-2917, 2016. [DOI]


Cassava mosaic, Alabi, O., Mulenga, R.* and Legg, J., CABI Plant Protection Series, pages 56-72, chapter 5, CABI Wallingford, ISBN 978-1-78064-426-4, 2015. [DOI]
First Report of East African cassava mosaic Malawi virus in Plants Affected by Cassava Mosaic Disease in Zambia, Mulenga, R.*, Miano, D.*, Chikoti, P.*, Ndunguru, J.*, Legg, J. and Alabi, O., in: Plant Disease, volume 99, number 9, pages 1290, ISSN 0191-2917, 2015. [DOI]


Processes and partnerships for effective regional surveillance of banana (Musa spp.) diseases, Beed, F., Kubiriba, J.*, Mugalula, A.*, Kolowa, H.*, Bulili, S.*, Nduwayezu, A.*, Murekezi, C.*, Sakayoya, E.*, Ndayihanzamaso, P.*, Mulenga, R.*, Abass, M.*, Mathe, L.*, Masheka, B.*, Onyango, M.*, Shitabule, E.*, Nakato, V., Ramathani, I. and Bouwmeester, H., pages 210-215, chapter 25, CABI, ISBN 978-1-78064-231-4, 2013.


Processes and partnerships for effective regional surveillance of banana diseases, Beed, F., Kubiriba, J.*, Mugalula, A.*, Kolowa, H.*, Bulili, S.*, Nduwayezu, A.*, Murekezi, C.*, Sakayoya, E.*, Ndayihanzamaso, P.*, Mulenga, R.*, Abass, M.*, Mathe, L.*, Masheka, B.*, Onyango, M.*, Omoto, E.*, Nakato, V., Ramathani, I. and Bouwmeester, H., Poster presented at the CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011.
Processes and partnerships for effective regional surveillance of banana diseases, Beed, F., Kubiriba, J.*, Mugalula, A.*, Kolowa, H.*, Bulili, S.*, Nduwayezu, A.*, Murekezi, C.*, Sakayoya, E.*, Ndayihanzamaso, P.*, Mulenga, R.*, Abass, M.*, Mathe, L.*, Masheka, B.*, Onyango, M.*, Omoto, E.*, Nakato, V., Ramathani, I. and Bouwmeester, H., p. 246. Abstract in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011.