
Type of publication:Article
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TitleIdentifying aflatoxin resistance-related proteins/genes through proteomics and RNAi gene silencing
Bibtex cite IDCHEN:2009
Journal Peanut Science
Year published 2009
Volume 36
Number 1
Pages 35-41
ISSN 0095-3679
Aflatoxins are carcinogenic secondary metabolites produced mainly by Aspergillus flavus Link ex. Fries, and A. prarasiticus Speare during infection of susceptible crops, such as maize, cottonseed, peanuts and tree nuts. This paper will review research efforts in identifying aflatoxin resistance-related proteins/genes in maize. Similar strategies may be useful in peanut. For maize, although genotypes resistant to A. flavus infection or aflatoxin production have been identified, the incorporation of resistance into commercial lines has been slow due to the lack of selectable markers and poor understanding of host resistance mechanisms. Recently, resistance-associated proteins (RAPs) were identified through proteomic comparison of constitutive protein profiles between resistant and susceptible maize genotypes. These proteins belong to three major groups based on their peptide sequence homologies: storage proteins, stress-related proteins, and antifungal proteins. Preliminary characterization of some of these RAPs suggest that they play a direct role in host resistance, such as pathogenesis-related protein 10 (PR10), or an indirect role, such as glyoxalase I (GLX I), through enhancing the host stress tolerance. To verify whether these RAPs play a role in host resistance, RNA interference (RNAi) gene silencing technique was used to silence the expression of these genes in maize. RNAi vectors (glx I RNAi and pr10 RNAi) were constructed using Gateway technology, and then transformed into immature maize embryos using both bombardment and Agrobacterium infection. The extent of gene silencing in transgenic callus tissues ranged from 20% to over 99%. The RNAi silenced transgenic maize seeds have also been obtained from plants regenerated from Agrobacterium transformed callus lines. Kernel screen assay of the transgenic maize kernels demonstrated a significant increase in susceptibility to A. flavus colonization and aflatoxin production in some of the silenced transgenic lines compared with non-silenced control kernels, suggesting the direct involvement of these two proteins in aflatoxin resistance in maize.
Peer Reviewed? Yes
In Thomson Index? Yes
Developing Country Author? No
Make Attachment Public? FALSE
Chen, Z. Y.
Brown, R.
Guo, B. Z.
Menkir, A.
Cleveland, T. E.
Total mark: 5

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