Agrama, H.    


3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Genome-wide association analyses reveal the genetic basis of biomass accumulation under symbiotic nitrogen fixation in African soybean, Torkamaneh, D., Chalifour, F. P., Beauchamp, C. J., Agrama, H., Boahen, S., Maaroufi, H., Rajcan, I. and Belzile, F., in: Theoretical and Applied Genetics, volume 133, pages 665-676, ISSN 0040-5752, 2020. [DOI]


Breeding annual grain legumes for sustainable agriculture: new methods to approach complex traits and target new cultivar ideotypes, Duc, G., Agrama, H., Bao, S., Berger, J., Bourion, V., De Ron, A. M., Gowda, C. L. L., Mikic, A.*, Millot, D., Singh, K. B., Tullu, A., Vandenberg, A., Patto, M. C. V., Warkentin, T. and Zong, X., in: Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, volume 34, number 1-3, pages 381-411, ISSN 0735-2689, 2015. [DOI]


A success tale on improving two legume crops in Africa, Boukar, O., Abdoulaye, T., Tamo, M., Agrama, H., Tefera, H., Fatokun, C. and Boahen, S., in: R4D Review, number 8, pages 11-15, ISSN 2071-3681, 2012.