Yandia, S. P.    

Firstname:S. P. 
Institute:Laboratoire des Sciences Biologiques et Agronomique pour le Développement (LBSAD), Université de Bangui, BP908 Bangui, Centrafrique, France 
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Publications as Author


Epidemiological assessment of cassava mosaic disease in Central African Republic reveals the importance of mixed viral infection and poor health of plant cuttings, Zinga, I., Chiroleu, F., Legg, J., Lefeuvre, P., Komba, E., Semballa, S., Yandia, S. P., Mandakombo, N., Reynaud, B. and Lett, J., in: Crop Protection, volume 44, pages 6-12, ISSN 0261-2194, 2013. [DOI]