Msikita, W.    


11 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Severity of Curvularia stem blight disease of cassava in West Africa, Msikita, W., Baimey, H. and James, B., in: Plant Disease, volume 91, number 11, pages 1430-1435, ISSN 0191-2917, 2007.


Prevalence and severity of Nattrassia mangiferae root and stem pathogen of cassava in Benin, Msikita, W., Bissang, B., James, B., Baimey, H., Wilkinson, H., Ahounou, M. and Fagbemissi, R.*, in: Plant Disease, volume 89, number 1, pages 12-16, ISSN 0191-2917, 2005.


Lutte contre les maladies du manioc: guide de la pratique de lutte integree a l'usage des vulgarisateurs, Msikita, W., James, B., Nnodu, E.*, Legg, J., Wydra, K. and Ogbe, F., 2000.
Disease control in cassava farms: IPM field guide for extension agents, Msikita, W., James, B., Nnodu, E.*, Legg, J., Wydra, K. and Ogbe, F.*, 2000.


In vitro cassava research capability at the Biotechnology and Nuclear Agricultural Institute (BNARI)-Ghana: Potentials and constraints, Ahiabu, R. K. A., Danso, K. E., Klu, G. Y. P., Bieler, P. and Msikita, W., in: African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, volume 2, pages 209-212, 1997.
A system to screen and select for resistance to Fusarium solani, Msikita, W., Yaninek, J., Ahounou, M., Baimey, H. and Fagbemissi, R.*, in: African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, volume 2, pages 59-61, 1997.
Micropropagation of Brassica oleracea (Cole crops), Msikita, W., Skirvin, R. M. and Chen, S. Y., pages 30-47, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
First report of Curvularia lunata associated with stem disease of cassava, Msikita, W., Yaninek, J., Ahounou, M., Baimey, H. and Fagbemissi, R.*, in: Plant Disease, volume 81, number 112, 1997.
First report of Nattrassia mangiferae root and stem rot of cassava in West Africa, Msikita, W., Yaninek, J., Ahounou, M., Baimey, H. and Fagbemissi, R.*, in: Plant Disease, volume 81, number 11, pages 1332, ISSN 0191-2917, 1997.


Survey of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) diseases in different ecozones of West Africa and virulence analysis of strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. manihotis causing cassava bacterial blight, Wydra, K. and Msikita, W., 1996.
First report of Fusarium moniliforme causing cassava root and stem rot, Msikita, W., Nelson, P. E., Yaninek, J., Ahounou, M. and Fagbemissi, R.*, in: Plant Disease, volume 80, pages 823, 1996.