Fine-tuning banana Xanthomonas wilt control options over the past decade in East and Central Africa, Blomme, G., Jacobsen, K., Ocimati, W., Beed, F., Ntamwira, J.*, Sivirihauma, C., Ssekiwoko, F.*, Nakato, V., Kubiriba, J.*, Tripathi, L., Tinzaara, W., Mbolela, F., Lutete, L. and Karamura, E. B.*, in: European Journal of Plant Pathology, volume 139, pages 265-281, ISSN 0929-1873, 2014. [DOI] |
Current geographical distribution of two native African biotic constraints to Musa production: Xanthomonas wilt of banana and enset, and some nematode species, Blomme, G., Price, N., Coyne, D., Lepoint, P., Nicholas, N.*, Ndayihanzamaso, P.*, Niyongere, C.*, Yemataw, Z.*, Addis, T.*, Pillay, M., Karamura, E. B.* and Jones, D. R., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 986, pages 89-102, ISSN 0567-7572, 2013. |
Mitigating the impact of biotic constraints to build resilient banana systems in Central and Eastern Africa, Swennen, R., Blomme, G., Van Asten, P., Lepoint, P., Karamura, E. B.*, Njukwe, E., Tinzaara, W., Viljoen, A.*, Karangwa, P.*, Coyne, D. and Lorenzen, J., pages 85-104, chapter 7, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-53273-0, 2013. |
Mitigating the impact of biotic constraints to build resilient banana systems in Central and Eastern Africa, Swennen, R.+, Blomme, G., Van Asten, P., Lepoint, P., Karamura, E. B.*, Njukwe, E. and Lorenzen, J., Abstract (Oral Presentation), p. 15 in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Pests threatening Musa biodiversity in the Great Lakes region of eastern Africa, Gold, C., Nankinga, C., Dochez, C., Tushemereirwe, W. K.*, Karamura, E. B.* and Karamura, D.*, in: Paper presented at: Musa in-situ Conservation Workshop, July 2002, Kampala, Uganda, 2003. |
IPM strategies for banana weevil in eastern Africa: the way forward, Gold, C., Okech, S., Nankinga, C., Karamura, E. B.* and Tushemereirwe, W. K.*, in: Paper presented at: Proceedings of the Integrated Pest Management workshop, 8-12 September 2002, pages 39-49, 2003. |
Pests threatening Musa biodiversity in the Great Lakes region of eastern Africa, Gold, C., Nankinga, C., Dochez, C., Tushemereirwe, W. K.*, Karamura, E. B.* and Karamura, D.*, in: Proceedings, Kampala, Uganda, 2002. |
Biology and integrated pest management for the banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Gold, C., Pena, J. and Karamura, E. B.*, in: Integrated Pest Management Reviews, volume 6, pages 79-155, ISSN 1353-5226, 2001. [DOI] |
Multivariate analyses of supposedly duplicate accessions of east African highland bananas in germplasm colections in Uganda, Karamura, D., Pickersgill, B., Vuylsteke, D., Gold, C., Karamura, E. B.* and Kiggundu, A.*, in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 89-97, ISSN 0567-7572, 2000. |
Multivariate analysis of supposedly duplicate accessions of East African highland bananas in germplasm collections in Uganda, Karamura, D.*, Pickersgill, B., Vuylsteke, D., Gold, C., Karamura, E. B.* and Kiggundu, A.*, in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 89-97, 2000. |
Relationships between soil fertility, banana weevil and nematodes in the East African highland cooking banana in Ntungamo, southwestern Uganda, Okech, S. H. O.*, Gold, C., Speijer, P., Ssali, H.* and Karamura, E. B.*, in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 505-514, ISSN 0567-7572, 2000. |
Rate of nematode infestation of clean banana planting material (Musa spp. AAA) in Uganda, Speijer, P., Gold, C., Goossens, B., Karamura, E. B.*, Elsen, A. and De Waele, D., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 461-467, ISSN 0567-7572, 2000. |
Banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar), ovipositional preferences, timing of attack and larval survivorship in a mixed cultivar trial in Uganda, Abera, A., Kyamanywa, S.* and Karamura, E. B.*, in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 487-495, ISSN 0567-7572, 2000. |
Fusarium wilt of banana in Uganda, with special emphasis on wilt-like symptoms observed on east Africa highland cooking cultivars (Musa SPP., AAA), Kangire, A.*, Karamura, E. B.*, Gold, C. and Rutherford, M., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 343-352, ISSN 0567-7572, 2000. |
Geographic shifts in highland banana production in Uganda, Gold, C., Karamura, E. B.*, Kiggundu, A. M., Abera, A., Bagamba, F.*, Wejuli, M.*, Karamura, D.*, Ssendge, R. and Kalyebara, R.*, in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 55-62, ISSN 0567-7572, 2000. |
The elusive banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, Karamura, E. B.* and Gold, C., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 471-485, 2000. |
Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa, Frison, E., Gold, C., Karamura, E. B.* and Sikora, R., INIBAP, 1999. |
Geographic shifts in highland cooking banana (Musa, group AAA EA) production in Uganda: site and data summaries, Gold, C., Karamura, E. B.*, Kiggundu, A.*, Bagamba, F.* and Abera, A., in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 7, number 3, pages 223-298, ISSN 1021-9730, 1999. |
Geographic shifts in highland cooking banana (Musa spp., group AAA-EA) production in Uganda, Gold, C., Karamura, E. B.*, Kiggundu, A.*, Bagamba, F.* and Abera, A., in: International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, volume 6, pages 45-59, 1999. |
Banana IPM in Uganda, Okech, S., Karamura, E. B.* and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 225-236, INIBAP, 1999. |
Influence of soil conservation bunds, compost manure, coffee and bean intercropping on weevil incidence, banana vigour and bunch weight in Bagambaa sub-county, a hilly environment in Mbarara, southwestern Uganda, Okech, S., Karugaba, A., Gold, C., Nyakuni, A., Ssali, H.* and Karamura, E. B.*, volume 3, pages 1221-1228, African Crop Science Society, 1997. |
Banana weevil population densities and related damage in Ntungamo and Mbarara districts, Uganda, Gold, C., Okech, S., Karamura, E. B.* and Ssendege, R., in: African Crop Science Conference, 13-17, January, Pretoria South Africa, pages 139-158, African Crop Science Society, Kampala, Uganda, 1997. |
First International Conference on banana and plantain for Africa, Vuylsteke, D. and Karamura, E. B.*, in: Chronica Horticulturae, volume 36, pages 11-14, 1996. |
Assessment of nematode damage in East African highland banana systems, Speijer, P., Gold, C., Kashaija, I. and Karamura, E. B.*, in: Banana nematodes and weevil borers in Asia and Pacific: proceedings of a workshop held at Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia 18-22 April 1994, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, INIBAP, 1994. |
Nutrient flows from harvested banana pseudostems, Wortmann, C. S., Karamura, E. B.* and Gold, C., in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 2, number 2, pages 179-182, ISSN 1021-9730, 1994. |
Contribution of soil quality to banana yield problems and its relation with other banana yield loss factors, Van Asten, P., Gold, C., Wendt, J ., De Waele, D., Okech, S., Ssali, H.* and Tushemereirwe, W. K.*, in: Farmer-participatory testing of integrated pest management options for sustainable banana production in Eastern Africa, pages 100-115, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, 2005. |
Nematode resistance in Musa, De Waele, D. and Speijer, P., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 119-126, INIBAP, 1999. |
Inegrated management of viruses infecting Musa spp, Hughes, J., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM held in Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 189-198, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), 1999. |
Potential of classical biological control for banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, with natural enemies from Asia (with emphasis on Indonesia), Hasyim, A. and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 59-71, INIBAP, 1999. |
Fungal endophytes from banana for the biocontrol of Radopholus similis, Niere, B., Speijer, P., Gold, C. and Sikora, R., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 313-318, INIBAP, 1999. |
Banana IPM in Uganda, Okech, S., Karamura, E. B.* and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 225-236, INIBAP, 1999. |
Cultural control strategies for banana weevil, Reddy, S., Gold, C. and Ngode, L., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 51-57, INIBAP, 1999. |
Musa and Ensete nematode pest status in selected African countries, Speijer, P. and Fogain, R., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 99-108, INIBAP, 1999. |
Advances in breeding for host plant resistance to banana diseases, Vuylsteke, D. and Hartman, J., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 165-175, INIBAP, 1999. |
Cultural controls and habitat management in the integrated management of banana leaf diseases, Holderness, M., Tushemereirwe, W. K.* and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 149-163, INIBAP, 1999. |
Habitat management for control of banana nematodes, Kashaija, I., Fogain, R. and Speijer, P., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 109-118, INIBAP, 1999. |
Recent advances in host plant resistance to banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, Kiggundu, A.*, Vuylsteke, D. and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 87-96, INIBAP, 1999. |
Recent advances in host plant resistance to banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, Kiggundu, A.*, Vuylsteke, D. and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 87-96, INIBAP, 1999. |
Plantain IPM in Ghana a case study, Green, K. and Afreh-Nuamah, K., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23 - 28 November 1998, pages 201-208, INIBAP, 1999. |