Angelsen, A.    

Institute:UMB School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway 

5 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Land inheritance and market transactions in Uganda, Ainembabazi, J. H. and Angelsen, A., in: Land Economics, volume 92, number 1, pages 28-56, ISSN 0023-7639, 2016.


Do commercial forest plantations reduce pressure on natural forests? evidence from forest policy reforms in Uganda, Ainembabazi, J. H. and Angelsen, A., in: Forest Policy and Economics, volume 40, pages 48-56, ISSN 1389-9341, 2014. [DOI]
Using the forest transition to predict deforestation and set reference levels for REDD+, Angelsen, A. and Ainembabazi, J. H., 2014.


Exploring different forest definitions and their impact on developing REDD+ reference emission levels: a case study for Indonesia, Romijn, E., Ainembabazi, J. H., Wijaya, A., Herold, M., Angelsen, A., Verchot, L. and Murdiyarso, D., in: Environmental Science & Policy, volume 33, pages 246-259, ISSN 1462-9011, 2013.
Charcoal production and household welfare in Uganda: a quantile regression approach, Ainembabazi, J. H., Shively, G. and Angelsen, A., in: Environment and Development Economics, volume 18, number 5, pages 537-558, ISSN 1355-770X, 2013. [DOI]