Hamadoun, A.*    

Institute:Institut d’économie rurale Centre régional de recherche agricole (IER/CRRA), Sikasso, Mali 

3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


DIVECOSYS: Bringing together researchers to design ecologically-based pest management for small-scale farming systems in West Africa, Brevault, T., Renou, A., Vayssieres, J., Amadji, G.*, Assogba-Komlan , F.*, Diallo, M. D.*, De Bon, H., Diarra, K.*, Hamadoun, A.*, Huat, J., Marnotte, P., Menozzi, P., Prudent, P., Rey, J., Sall, D.*, Silvie, P., Simon, S., Sinzogan, A.*, Soti, V., Tamo, M. and Clouvel, P., in: Crop Protection, volume 66, pages 53-60, ISSN 0261-2194, 2014. [DOI]
DIVECOSYS: a scientific partnership platform for ecologically - based pest management in West Africa, De Bon, H., Brevault, T., Arodokoun, D., Diallo, M. D.*, Diarra, K.*, Hamadoun, A.*, Menozzi, P., Sall, D.*, Sinzogan, A.* and Tamo, M., Poster presented at the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition,, 2014.


Managing insect pests of rice in Africa, Nwilene, F. E., Nacro, S., Tamo, M., Menozzi, P., Heinrichs, E., Hamadoun, A.*, Dakouo, D., Adda, C. and Togola, A., pages 229-240, chapter 18, CABI, ISBN 978-1845938123, 2013. [DOI]