Sinzogan, A.*    

Institute:Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Cotonou, University of Abomey-Calavi, Bénin 
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25 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Seasonal and spatial distribution of fall armyworm larvae in maize fields: implications for integrated pest management, Zanzana, K., Sinzogan, A.*, Tepa-Yotto, G., Dannon, E.*, Goergen, G . and Tamo, M., in: Insects, volume 16, number 2: 145, pages 1-17, ISSN 2075-4450, 2025. [DOI]


A best way forward to the organisation of entomological training courses in sub-Saharan Africa, Jordaens, K., de Meyer, M., Van Nuffel, M., Kirk-Spriggs, A. H., Sabuni, C.*, Mwatawala, M.*, Mujabwa, R.*, Kabota, S.*, Bellingan, T.*, Goergen, G ., Mansell, M.*, Manrakhan, A.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Schutze, M., Thomas-Cabianca, A., Copeland, R., Muller, B.*, Virgilio, M., Bert, E., November, E. and Midgley, J.*, in: International Journal of Educational Development, volume 107, number -: 103026, pages 1-18, ISSN 0738-0593, 2024. [DOI]
Suitability of cowpea sprouts to optimize rearing of biocontrol agents Phanerotoma syleptae (Zettel) and Liragathis javana (Bhat and Gupta), Agountcheme, P. S., Dannon, E. A., Datinon, B., Manbou, A., Sinzogan, A.*, Srinivasan, R., Pittendrigh, B. R. and Tamo, M., in: International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, volume 44, pages 2293-2303, ISSN 1742-7584, 2024. [DOI]


Overview and guide to diptera training in sub-saharan Africa, Jordaens, K., de Meyer, M., Van Nuffel, M., Kirk-Spriggs, A. H., Sabuni, C.*, Mwatawala, M.*, Mujabwa, R.*, Kabota, S.*, Bellingan, T.*, Goergen, G ., Mansell, M.*, Manrakhan, A.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Schutze, M., Thomas-Cabianca, A., Copeland, R., Muller, B.*, Virgilio, M., Bert, E., November, E. and Midgley, J.*, Abstract p.88. in the book of Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Dipterology, 16-21 July, Reno, Nevada, USA, 2023.


Effect of adult feeding substrates on survival and reproduction of Therophilus javanus and Phanerotoma syleptae, two parasitoids of Maruca vitrata, Dannon, E. A., Azokpota, E. T., Zanzana, K., Datinon, B., Sinzogan, A.*, Srinivasan, R., Pittendrigh, B. R. and Tamo, M., in: International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, volume 42, pages 3073-3082, ISSN 1742-7584, 2022. [DOI]
Performances des techniques d'association mais-pois d'angole efficientes contre la Chenille Legionnaire Automne, Zanzana, K., Tepa-Yotto, G., Sinzogan, A.*, Goergen, G ., Dannon, E. A.* and Tamo, M., P 14 in: Book of Abstracts, 1st Symposium of the Entomological Society of the Republic of Benin (SERB), 8-10 Nov., IITA Benin, Abomey-Calavi, Benin, 2022.


Host plants and associated trophobionts of the weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda Latreille (Hymenoptera Formicidae) in Benin, Vayssieres, J., Grechi, I., Sinzogan, A.*, Ouagoussounon, I.*, Todjihounde, R.*, Modjibou, S.*, Tossou, J. C.*, Adandonon, A.*, Kikissagbe, C., Tamo, M., Goergen, G ., Chailleux, A., Germain, J. and Adomou, A.*, in: Agricultural and Forest Entomology, pages 1-15, ISSN 1461-9555, 2021. [DOI]


Host species and vegetable fruit suitability and preference by the parasitoid wasp Fopius arisanus, Ayelo, P. M., Sinzogan, A.*, Bokonon-Ganta, A.* and Karlsson, M. F., in: Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, volume 163, number 1, pages 70-81, ISSN 0013-8703, 2017. [DOI]


The potential distribution of Bactrocera dorsalis: considering phenology and irrigation patterns, de Villiers, M.*, Hattingh, V.*, Kriticos, D. J., Brunel, S., Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A.*, Billah, M.*, Mohamed, S., Mwatawala, M.*, Abdelgader, H.*, Salah, F. E.* and de Meyer, M., in: Bulletin of Entomological Research, volume 106, number 1, pages 19-33, ISSN 0007-4853, 2016. [DOI]
Seasonal abundance of mango fruit fly (Diptera: tephritidae) in mango and cashew orchards in central and north Benin, and ecological implications for its management, Vayssieres, J., de Meyer, M., Ouagoussounon, I.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Korie, S., Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.*, Houngbo, H.*, Didier, C., De Bon, H. and Goergen, G ., Abstract, in the book of abstracts 3rd TEAM International Symposium, 11-14 April, Stellenbosch, South Africa., 2016.
Use of ant technology in the management of African fruit flies, Vayssieres, J., Offenberg, J., Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.*, Houngbo, H.*, Ouagoussounon, I.*, Diame, L.*, Quilici, S., Rey, J., Goergen, G ., de Meyer, M. and van Mele, P., pages 1-76, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-43224-3, 2016. [DOI]


Seasonal abundance of mango fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) and ecological implications for their management in mango and cashew orchards in Benin (Centre & North), Vayssieres, J., de Meyer, M., Ouagoussounon, I.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Korie, S., Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.*, Houngbo, H.*, Didier, C., De Bon, H. and Goergen, G ., in: Journal of Economic Entomology, volume 108, number 5, pages 2213-2230, ISSN 0022-0493, 2015. [DOI]
Fluctuations saisonnieres des populations de mouches des fruits (Diptera: Tephritidae) du manguier et implications Agro-ecologiques pour leur gestion dans les vergers de manguiers et d'anacardiers du Borgou au Benin (Centre & Nord), Vayssieres, J., de Meyer, M., Ouagoussounon, I.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Korie, S., Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.*, Houngbo, H.*, Didier, C., De Bon, H., Tamo, M. and Goergen, G ., Abstract, ST2.8: p. 62 in the book of abstracts of the 21st Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientists (AAIS-2015), Cotonou, Benin, October 19-23, 2015.
Caracteristiques saisonnieres de l'alimentation d'Oecophylla longinoda (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) dans un grand verger de manguiers du Benin, Vayssieres, J., Ouagoussounon, I.*, Adandonon, A.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Korie, S., Todjihounde, R.*, Alassane, S.*, Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.*, Neuenschwander, P., Tamo, M. and Goergen, G ., Abstract, ST2.10: p. 64 in the book of abstracts of the 21st Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientists (AAIS-2015), Cotonou, Benin, October 19-23, 2015.
Seasonal pattern in food gathering of the weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in mango orchards in Benin, Vayssieres, J., Ouagoussounon, I.*, Adandonon, A.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Korie, S., Todjihounde, R., Alassane, S.*, Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.* and Goergen, G ., in: Biocontrol Science and Technology, volume 25, number 12, pages 1359-1387, ISSN 0958-3157, 2015. [DOI]
Reducing losses inflicted by insect pests on cashew, using weaver ants as a biological control agent, Anato, F. M.*, Wargui, R. B.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Offenberg, J., Adandonon, A.*, Vayssieres, J. and Kossou, D.*, in: Agricultural and Forest Entomology, pages 1-7, ISSN 1461-9555, 2015. [DOI]
Founding weaver ant queens (Oecophylla longinoda) increase production and nanitic worker size when adopting non-nestmate pupae, Ouagoussounon, I.*, Offenberg, J., Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Kossou, D.* and Vayssieres, J., in: SpringerPlus, volume 4, number 6, pages 1-8, ISSN 2193-1801, 2015. [DOI]
Comparing different methods to assess weaver ant abundance in plantation trees, Wargui, R. B.*, Offenberg, J., Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Kossou, D.* and Vayssieres, J., in: Asian Myrmecology, volume 7, pages 1-12, ISSN 1985-1944, 2015.
Impact of African weaver ant nests [Oecophylla longinoda Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)] on mango [Mangifera indica L. (Sapindales: Anacardiaceae)] leaves, Anato, F. M.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Hounlidji, X.*, Offenberg, J., Kossou, D.* and Vayssieres, J., in: Sociobiology, volume 62, number 1, pages 39-45, ISSN 0361-6525, 2015. [DOI]


DIVECOSYS: Bringing together researchers to design ecologically-based pest management for small-scale farming systems in West Africa, Brevault, T., Renou, A., Vayssieres, J., Amadji, G.*, Assogba-Komlan , F.*, Diallo, M. D.*, De Bon, H., Diarra, K.*, Hamadoun, A.*, Huat, J., Marnotte, P., Menozzi, P., Prudent, P., Rey, J., Sall, D.*, Silvie, P., Simon, S., Sinzogan, A.*, Soti, V., Tamo, M. and Clouvel, P., in: Crop Protection, volume 66, pages 53-60, ISSN 0261-2194, 2014. [DOI]
DIVECOSYS: a scientific partnership platform for ecologically - based pest management in West Africa, De Bon, H., Brevault, T., Arodokoun, D., Diallo, M. D.*, Diarra, K.*, Hamadoun, A.*, Menozzi, P., Sall, D.*, Sinzogan, A.* and Tamo, M., Poster presented at the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition,, 2014.
Pesticide risks from fruit and vegetable pest management by small farmers in sub-Saharan Africa: a review, De Bon, H., Huat, J., Parrot, L., Sinzogan, A.*, Martin, T., Malezieux, E. and Vayssieres, J., in: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, volume 34, pages 723-736, ISSN 1774-0746, 2014. [DOI]
Annual population dynamics of mango fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in West Africa: socio-economic aspects, host phenology and implications for management, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Rey, J., Dieng, E. O.*, Camara, K.*, Sangare, A.*, Ouedraogo, S., Hala, N.*, Sidibe, A., Keita, Y.*, Gogovor, G.*, Korie, S., Coulibaly, O., Kikissagbe, C., Tossou, A., Billah, M.*, Biney, K.*, Nobime, O., Diatta, P.*, N'Depo, R.*, Noussourou, M.*, Traore, L.*, Saizonou, S.* and Tamo, M., in: Fruits, volume 69, number 3, pages 207-222, ISSN 0248-1294, 2014. [DOI]


About the biology of Steraspis fastuosa Gerstaecker in Atacora region, northern Benin (Coleoptera, Buprestidae), Vayssieres, J., Bellamy, C. L., Goergen, G ., Adandonon, A.*, Sinzogan, A.* and Curletti, G., in: Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France, volume 118, number 4, pages 427-432, ISSN 0037-928X, 2013.
Pupae transplantation to boost early colony growth in the weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Ouagoussounon, I.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Offenberg, J., Adandonon, A.*, Vayssieres, J. and Kossou, D.*, in: Sociobiology, volume 60, number 4, pages 374-379, ISSN 0361-6525, 2013. [DOI]