Differentiated Neogene bauxitization of volcanic rocks (western Cameroon): morpho-geological constraints on chemical erosion, Momo, M. N.*, Beauvais, A., Tematio, P.* and Yemefack, M., in: Catena, volume 194, number -: 104685, pages 1-13, ISSN 0341-8162, 2020. [DOI] |
Soil quality and soil fertility status in major soil groups at the Tombel area, south-west Cameroon, Ngeumezi, C.*, Tematio, P.*, Yemefack, M., Tsozue, D.* and Silatsa, F. B., in: Heliyon, volume 6, number -: e03432, pages 1-10, ISSN 2405-8440, 2020. [DOI] |
Assessing countrywide soil organic carbon stock using hybrid machine learning modelling and legacy soil data in Cameroon, Silatsa, F. B., Yemefack, M., Tabi, F. O.*, Heuvelink, G. and Leenaars, J. G. B., in: Geoderma, volume 367, number -: 114260, pages 1-13, ISSN 0016-7061, 2020. [DOI] |
Quantified soil evolution under shifting agriculture in southern Cameroon, Yemefack, M., Njomgang, R.* and Rossiter, D. G., in: Frontiers in Environmental Science, volume 7, number 16, pages 1-10, ISSN 2296-665X, 2019. [DOI] |
Contributions of soil chemical and physical properties in the dynamics of soil quality in the southern Cameroon plateau shifting agricultural landscape, Nyeck, B.*, Mbogba, M. N.*, Njilah, I. K.*, Yemefack, M. and Bilong, P.*, in: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, volume 12, number 2, pages 1042-1056, ISSN 1991-8631, 2018. [DOI] |
Soil legacy data rescue via GlobalSoilMap and other international and national initiatives, Arrouays, D., Leenaars, J. G. B., Richer-de-Forges, A. C., Adhikari, K., Ballabio, C., Greve, M., Grundy, M., Guerrero, E., Hempel, J., Hengl, T., Heuvelink, G., Batjes, N., Carvalho, E., Hartemink, A., Hewitt, A., Hong, S. Y.*, Krasilnikov, P.*, Lagacherie, P., Lelyk, G., Libohova, Z., Lilly, A., McBratney, A., McKenzie, N., Vasquez, G. M.*, Mulder, V. L., Minasny, B., Montanarella, L., Odeh, I., Padarian, J., Poggio, L., Roudier, P., Saby, N., Savin, I., Searle, R., Solbovoy, V., Thompson, J, Smith, S., Sulaeman, Y.*, Vintila, R., Rossel, R. V., Wilson, P., Zhang, G.*, Swerts, M., Oorts, K., Karklins, A.*, Feng, L.*, Navarro, A. R. I., Levin, A.*, Laktionova, T.*, Dell'Acqua, M.*, Suvannang, N.*, Ruam, W.*, Prasad, J.*, Patil, N.*, Husnjak, S., Pasztor, L., Okx, J., Hallett, S., Keay, C., Farewell, T., Lilja, H., Juilleret, J., Marx, S., Takata, Y., Yagi, K., Mansuy, N., Panagos, P., Van Liedekerke, M., Skalsky, R., Sobocka, J., Kobza, J., Eftekhari, K.*, AlaviPanah, S. K.*, Moussadek, R.*, Badraoui, M., Da Sliva, M., Paterson, G.*, Goncalves, M., Theocharopoulos, S., Yemefack, M., Tedou, S., Vrscaj, B., Grob, U., Kozak, J., Boruvka, L., Dobos, E., Taboada, M.*, Moretti, L.* and Rodriguez, D., in: GeoResJ, volume 14, pages 1-19, ISSN 2214-2128, 2017. [DOI] |
Looking back and moving forward: 50 years of soil and soil fertility management research in sub-Saharan Africa, Vanlauwe, B., Abdelgadir, A. H., Adewopo, J., Adjei-Nsiah, S., Ampadu-Boakye, T., Asare, R., Baijukya, F., Baars, E., Bekunda, M., Coyne, D., Dianda, M., Dontsop-Nguezet, P., Ebanyat, P., Hauser, S., Huising, J. E., Jalloh, A., Jassogne, L., Kamai, N., Kamara, A., Kanampiu, F., Kehbila, A. G., Kintche, K., Kreye, C., Larbi, A., Masso, C., Matungulu, K. P., Mohammed, I. B., Nabahungu, N. L., Nielsen, F., Nziguheba, G., Pypers, P ., Roobroeck, D., Schut, M., Taulya, G., Thuita, M., Uzokwe, V. N. E., Van Asten, P., Wairegi, L., Yemefack, M. and Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, pages 613-631, ISSN 1473-5903, 2017. [DOI] |
Growth response of Moringa oleifera Lam. as affected by various amounts of compost under greenhouse conditions, Christophe, L. C., Ngakou, A.*, Yemefack, M. and Mbailao, M.*, in: Annals of Agricultural Sciences, volume 62, pages 221-226, ISSN 0570-1783, 2017. [DOI] |
Modeling carbon stock dynamics under fallow and cocoa agroforest systems in the shifting agricultural landscape of central Cameroon, Silatsa, F. B., Yemefack, M., Ewane-Nonga, N., Kemga, A. and Hanna, R., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 91, pages 993-1006, ISSN 0167-4366, 2017. [DOI] |
World's soils are under threat, Montanarella, L., Pennock, D. J., McKenzie, N., Badraoui, M., Chude, V.*, Baptista, I., Mamo, T.*, Yemefack, M., Aulakh, M. S.*, Yagi, K., Hong, S. Y.*, Vijarnsorn, P., Zhang, G.*, Arrouays, D., Black, H., Krasilnikov, P.*, Sobocka, J., Alegre, J.*, Henriquez, C. R.*, Mendonca-Santos, M. L.*, Taboada, M.*, Espinosa-Victoria, D.*, AlShankiti, A., AlaviPanah, S. K.*, El Mustafa Elsheikh, E. A.*, Hempel, J., Arbestain, M. C., Nachtergaele, F. and Vargas, R., in: Soil, volume 2, number 1, pages 79-82, ISSN 2199-3971, 2016. [DOI] |
Analyzing the contribution of Cameroon's council forests to climate change mitigation and socioeconomic development, Alemagi, D., Duguma, L., Minang, P., Kehbila, A. G., Yemefack, M. and Tchoundjeu, Z., pages 79-94, chapter 4, Intech, ISBN 978-953-51-2758-1, 2016. [DOI] |
Phylogeny and nitrogen fixation potential of Bradyrhizobium species isolated from the legume cover crop Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth. in eastern Cameroon, Sarr, S., Araki, S., Begoude, A.*, Yemefack, M., Manga, G. A.*, Yamakawa, T. and Htwe, A. Z., in: Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, volume 62, number 1, pages 13-19, ISSN 0038-0768, 2016. [DOI] |
Distribution of duricrusted bauxites and laterites on the Bamileke plateau (west Cameroon): constraints from GIS mapping and geochemistry, Momo, M. N.*, Yemefack, M., Tematio, P.*, Beauvais, A. and Ambrosi, J., in: Catena, volume 140, pages 15-23, ISSN 0341-8162, 2016. [DOI] |
Erodibility of cultivated soils in the Foumbot area (west Cameroon), Ngandeu-Nboyo, J. D.*, Yemefack, M., Yongue-Fouateu, R.* and Bilong, P.*, in: Tropicultura, volume 34, number 3, pages 276-285, ISSN 0771-3312, 2016. |
Which Intensification for a REDD+ strategy?: Comparative study in cocoa agroforests of Cameroon, Ewane-Nonga, N., Hanna, R., Sonwa, D., Belibi, M. B., Van Eijnatten, J., Tah, C. K., Kirscht, H. and Yemefack, M., Abstract at International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Researchers III - 2015 Forestry research for achieving self sufficient in food, energy and water, Bogor, Indonesia 21-22 October, 2015. |
Mapping bauxite indices using Landsat ETM+ imageries constrained with environmental factors in Foumban area (West Cameroon), Tematio, P.*, Songmene, S. M.*, Leumbe, O. L.*, Nouazi, M. M.*, Yemefack, M. and Fouateu, R. Y.*, in: Journal of African Earth Sciences, volume 109, pages 47-54, ISSN 1464-343X, 2015. [DOI] |
Abundance of whiteflies populations on some cassava cultivars in relation to soil fertilization in South Cameroon, Josiane, F. N.*, Tene, T. M., Mogo, A.*, Hanna, R. and Yemefack, M., Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, 2015. |
Abondance des populations de mouches blanches sur quelques cultivars de manioc en fontion de la fertilisation du sol dans la localite de Bityili (Ebolowa-Sud Cameroun), Fomekong, N. J.*, Tene, T. M., Mogo, A.*, Hanna, R. and Yemefack, M., Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, 2015. |
Assessing soil quality under different land cover types within shifting agriculture in South Cameroon, Ngo-Mbogba, M.*, Yemefack, M. and Nyeck, B.*, in: Soil & Tillage Research, volume 150, pages 124-131, ISSN 0167-1987, 2015. [DOI] |
Variabilite des stocks de carbone en zone forestiere du Cameroun: approache evaluative dans le paysage agricole itinerant de la commune d'Ayos, Tedou, F. S.*, Yemefack, M. and Dameni, H.*, OmniScriptum, ISBN 978-3-8417-4911-6, 2015. |
Profitability and implications of cocoa intensification on carbon emissions in southern Cameroun, Magne, A. N., Nonga, N. E., Yemefack, M. and Robiglio, V., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 88, number 6, pages 1133-1142, ISSN 0167-4366, 2014. [DOI] |
Linking development pathways and emission reduction at local levels: an analysis of feasibility in the Efoulan municipality, Cameroon, Yemefack, M., Alemagi, D., Duguma, L., Minang, P. and Tchoundjeu, Z., number 39, 2013. |