Rivas, S. S.*    

Firstname:S. S.* 
Institute:International Potato Center (CIP), Avenida La Molina 1895, La Molina, Apartado Postal 1558, Lima, Peru 

1 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Shifting the goalposts - from high impact journals to high impact data, Gassner, A.*, Alvare, L. M., Bamba, Z., Beare, D.*, Bernardo, M.*, Biradar, C.*, van Brakel, M.*, Chapman, R., Dileepkumar, G.*, Dieng, I.*, Erlita, S., Fulss, R.*, Poole, J.*, Kshatriya, M., Selim, G.*, Simon, R.*, Sonder, K., Prasai, N., Garruccio, M., Rivas, S. S.*, Rajasekharan, M.* and Rao, C. S.*, 2013.