Ayinde, O. E.*    

Firstname:O. E.* 
Institute:Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, University of Ilorin. 
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Publications as Author


Economic analysis of on-farm trial of drought tolerant maize in Kwara state Nigeria: a gender approach, Ayinde, O. E.*, Abdoulaye, T., Takim, F. O.*, Oloyede, A. O.* and Bankole, F. A.*, in: Trakia Journal of Sciences, volume 14, number 3, pages 287-293, ISSN 1312-1723, 2016. [DOI]


Gender and innovation in agriculture: a case study of farmers' varietal preference of drought tolerant maize in southern Guinea Savannah region of Nigeria, Ayinde, O. E.*, Abdoulaye, T., Olaoye, G.* and Akangbe,, J.*, in: Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, volume 12, number 4, pages 617-625, ISSN 2218-2020, 2013.