Mapping the vulnerability of banana production landscapes in Uganda to banana bunchy top disease, Ocimati, W., Ogwal, G., Tazuba, A. F., Kubiriba, J.*, Tugume, J.*, Erima, R.*, Okurut, A. W.*, Mahuku, G., Kutunga, D.* and Blomme, G., in: Frontiers in Agronomy, pages 1-15, ISSN 2673-3218, 2024. [DOI] |
Influence of altitude as a proxy for temperature on key Musa pests and diseases in watershed areas of Burundi and Rwanda, Nakato, V., Okonya, J., Kantungeko, D., Ocimati, W., Mahuku, G., Legg, J. and Blomme, G., in: Heliyon, volume 9, number 3: e13854, pages 1-12, ISSN 2405-8440, 2023. [DOI] |
Geographical distribution and genetic diversity of the banana fusarium wilt fungus in Laos and Vietnam, Chittarath, C., Nguyen, C. H.*, Bailey, W. C.*, Zheng, S. J., Mostert, D.*, Viljoen, A.*, Tazuba, A., Ocimati, W., Kearsley, E., Chi, T. Y.*, Tho, N. T.*, Hung, N. T.*, Dita, M.*, Shah, T., Karanja, M., Mahuku, G. and Blomme, G., in: Journal of Fungi, volume 8, number 1: 46, pages 1-15, ISSN 2309-608X, 2022. [DOI] |
A practical perspective on One CGIAR: lessons from 15 years of CIALCA agricultural research for development consortium work in central Africa, Schut, M., Remans, R., Birachi, E., Blomme, G., Craenen, K., Delvaux, B., Dercon, G., Ekesa, B., Kagabo, D., Bacishoga, M. K., Kantengwa, S ., Karangwa, P.*, Kintche, K., Manners, R., Mapatano, S.*, Merckx, R ., Muchunguzi, P., Nduwumuremyi, A.*, Niyongere, C.*, Nabahungu, N. L., Bagula, E.*, Ocimati, W., Pypers, P ., Rietveld, A., Swennen, R., Taulya, G., Vandamme, E., Zozo, R., van Asten, P.* and Vanlauwe, B., Working paper, 2021. [DOI] |
A multi-objective model exploration of banana-canopy management and nutrient input scenarios for optimal banana-legume intercrop performance, Ocimati, W., Groot, J. C. J., Blomme, G., Timler, C., Remans, R., Taulya, G., Ntamwira, J. and Tittonell, P., in: Agronomy, volume 11, number 2: 311, pages 1-21, ISSN 2073-4395, 2021. [DOI] |
Impact and opportunities of agroecological intensification strategies on farm performance: a case study of banana-based systems in central and south-western Uganda, Gambart, C., Swennen, R., Blomme, G., Groot, J. C. J., Remans, R. and Ocimati, W., in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, volume 4, number -:87, pages 1-13, ISSN 2571-581X, 2020. [DOI] |
Banana pest risk assessment along banana trade axes running from low to high altitude sites, in the eastern DR Congo and in Burundi, Blomme, G., Ocimati, W., Amato-Masirika, S., zum Felde, A., Kamira, M., Bumba, M., Bahati, L., Amini, D. and Ntamwira, J., in: African Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 16, number 9: 5FDB28964797, pages 1253-1269, ISSN 1991-637X, 2020. [DOI] |
Xanthomonas wilt of banana drives changes in land-use and ecosystem services across infected landscapes, Ocimati, W., Groot, J. C. J., Tittonell, P., Taulya, G., Ntamwira, J., Amato-Masirika, S. and Blomme, G., in: Sustainability, volume 12, number 8: 3178, pages 1-20, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020. [DOI] |
Farmer reported pest and disease impacts on root, tuber and banana crops and livelihoods in Rwanda and Burundi, Okonya, J., Ocimati, W., Nduwayezu, A.*, Kantungeko, D., Niko, N.*, Blomme, G., Legg, J. and Kroschel, J., in: Sustainability, volume 11, number -: 1592, pages 1-20, ISSN 2071-1050, 2019. [DOI] |
Banana leaf pruning to facilitate annual legume intercropping as an intensification strategy in the east African highlands, Ocimati, W., Ntamwira, J.*, Groot, J. C. J., Taulya, G., Tittonell, P., Dhed'a, D. B.*, van Asten, P.*, Vanlauwe, B., Ruhigwa, B.* and Blomme, G., in: European Journal of Agronomy, volume 110, pages 1-12, ISSN 1161-0301, 2019. [DOI] |
Seed degeneration of banana planting materials: strategies for improved farmer access to healthy seed, Jacobsen, K., Omondi, A., Almekinders, C. J., Alvarez, E., Blomme, G., Dita, M.*, Iskra-Caruana, M. L., Ocimati, W., Tinzaara, W., Kumar, P. L. and Staver, C., in: Plant Pathology, pages 1-66, ISSN 0032-0862, 2018. [DOI] |
Genotyping the local banana landrace groups of east Africa, Karamura, D., Kitavi, M., Nyine, M., Ochola, D., Ocimati, W., Muhangi, S.*, Talengera, D.* and Karamura, E. B., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 1114, pages 67-74, ISSN 0567-7572, 2016. [DOI] |
Agronomic performance of local and introduced plantains, dessert, cooking and beer bananas (Musa spp.) across different altitude and soil conditions in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Kamira, M.*, Ntamwira, J.*, Sivirihauma, C., Ocimati, W., Van Asten, P., Vutseme, L.* and Blomme, G., in: African Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 11, number 43, pages 4313-4332, ISSN 1991-637X, 2016. [DOI] |
Intensification and diversification of banana production systems: Key drivers for increased income and food and nutritional security in the Great Lakes region: proceeding (poster), Njukwe, E., Ekesa, B., Ocimati, W., Blomme, G., Kamira, M.*, Amah, D., Swennen, R., Okafor, C. and Ndayisaba, P. C.*, Humidtropics/FARA, 2016. |
The banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar), is a potential vector of Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum in bananas, Were, E., Nakato, V., Ocimati, W., Ramathani, I., Olal, S.* and Beed, F., in: Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, pages 1-8, ISSN 0706-0661, 2015. [DOI] |
Fine-tuning banana Xanthomonas wilt control options over the past decade in East and Central Africa, Blomme, G., Jacobsen, K., Ocimati, W., Beed, F., Ntamwira, J.*, Sivirihauma, C., Ssekiwoko, F.*, Nakato, V., Kubiriba, J.*, Tripathi, L., Tinzaara, W., Mbolela, F., Lutete, L. and Karamura, E. B.*, in: European Journal of Plant Pathology, volume 139, pages 265-281, ISSN 0929-1873, 2014. [DOI] |
Comparative importance of infection routes for banana Xanthomonas wilt and implications on disease epidemiology and management, Nakato, V., Ocimati, W., Blomme, G., Fiaboe, K. K.+ and Beed, F., in: Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, pages 1-11, ISSN 0706-0661, 2014. [DOI] |
Incomplete systemic movement of Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum and the occurrence of latent infections in Xanthomonas wilt infected banana mats, Ocimati, W., Nakato, V., Fiaboe, K. K.+, Beed, F. and Blomme, G., in: Plant Pathology, pages 1-33, ISSN 0032-0862, 2014. [DOI] |