Yirga, C.*    

Institute:Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, P.O.Box 2003 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 

3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Varietal adoption, outcomes and impact., Walker, T. S., Alwang, J., Alene, A., Ndjuenga, J., Labarta, R., Yigezu, Y., Diagne, A., Andrade, R., Andriatsitohaina, R. M., De Groote, H., Mausch, K., Yirga, C.*, Simtowe, F., Katungi, E., Jogo, W., Jaleta, M., Pandey, S. and Charyulu, D., pages 388-405, chapter 19, CGIAR and CABI, ISBN 978-1-78064-401-1, 2015. [DOI]
Varietal generation and output, Walker, T. S., Alene, A., Ndjuenga, J., Labarta, R., Yigezu, Y., Diagne, A., Andrade, R., Andriatsitohaina, R. M., De Groote, H., Mausch, K., Yirga, C.*, Simtowe, F., Katungi, E., Jogo, W., Jaleta, M., Pandey, S. and Charyulu, D., pages 370-387, chapter 18, CGIAR and CABI, ISBN 978-1-78064-401-1, 2015. [DOI]


Measuring the effectiveness of crop improvement research in sub-Saharan Africa from the perspectives of varietal output, adoption, and change: 20 crops, 30 Countries, and 1150 cultivars in farmers' fields, Walker, T., Alene, A., Ndjeunga, J., Labarta, R., Yigezu, Y., Diagne, A., Andrade, R., Andriatsitohaina, R. M., De Groote, H., Mausch, K., Yirga, C.*, Simtowe, F., Katungi, E., Jogo, W., Jaleta, M. and Pandey, S. J., 2014.