Masembe, C.*    

Institute:Makerere University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda 
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Spatio-temporal patterns of genetic change amongst populations of cassava Bemisia tabaci whiteflies driving virus pandemics in east and central Africa, Legg, J., Sseruwagi, P.*, Boniface, S., Okao-Okuja, G.*, Shirima, R. R., Bigirimana, S.*, Gashaka, G.*, Herrmann, H-W., Jeremiah, S.*, Obiero, H.*, Ndyetabula, I.*, Tata-Hangy, W.*, Masembe, C.* and Brown, J., in: Virus Research, volume 186, pages 61-75, ISSN 0168-1702, 2014. [DOI]