Dieng, E. O.*    

Firstname:E. O.* 
Institute:DPV, Thiaroye, Dakar, Senegal 
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Publications as Author


Annual population dynamics of mango fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in West Africa: socio-economic aspects, host phenology and implications for management, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Rey, J., Dieng, E. O.*, Camara, K.*, Sangare, A.*, Ouedraogo, S., Hala, N.*, Sidibe, A., Keita, Y.*, Gogovor, G.*, Korie, S., Coulibaly, O., Kikissagbe, C., Tossou, A., Billah, M.*, Biney, K.*, Nobime, O., Diatta, P.*, N'Depo, R.*, Noussourou, M.*, Traore, L.*, Saizonou, S.* and Tamo, M., in: Fruits, volume 69, number 3, pages 207-222, ISSN 0248-1294, 2014. [DOI]