Joosten, H.    

Institute:Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Germany 
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Soil carbon, multiple benefits, Milne, E., Banwart, S. A., Noellemeyer, E.*, Abson, D. J., Ballabio, C., Bampa, F., Bationo, A.*, Batjes, N. H.*, Bernoux, M., Bhattacharyya, T.*, Black, H., Buschiazzo, D. E.*, Cai, Z.*, Cerri, C. C.*, Cheng, K.*, Compagnone, C., Conant, R., Coutinho, H. L. C.*, de Brogniez, D.*, de Carvalho Balieiro, F.*, Duffy, C., Feller, C., Fidalgo, E. C. C.*, da Silva, C. F.*, Funk, R., Gaudig, G., Gicheru, P. T.*, Goldhaber, M., Gottschalk, P., Goulet, F., Goverse, T., Grathwohi, P., Joosten, H., Kamoni, P. T.*, Kihara, J., Krawczynski, R., La Scala, N.*, Lemanceau, P., Li, L.*, Li, Z.*, Lugato, E., Maron, P-A., Martius, C., Melillo, J., Montanarella, L., Nikolaidis, N., Nziguheba, G., Pan, G.*, Pascual, U., Paustian, K., Pineiro, G.*, Powlson, D., Quiroga, A.*, Richter, D., Sigwalt, A., Smith, J., Smith, P., Stocking, M., Tanneberger, F., Termansen, M., Van Noordwijk, M., van Wesemael, B., Vargas, R., Luiz Victoria, R.*, Waswa, B., Werner, D., Wichmann, S., Wichtmann, W., Zhang, X.*, Zhao, Y.*, Zheng, Jinwei.* and Zheng, Jufeng*, , in: Environmental Development, volume 13, pages 1-5, ISSN 2211-4645, 2015. [DOI]
Soil carbon: a critical natural resource - wide-scale goals, urgent actions, Nziguheba, G., Vargas, R., Bationo, A.*, Black, H., Buschiazzo, D. E.*, de Brogniez, D.*, Joosten, H., Melillo, J., Richter, D. and Termansen, M., SCOPE series, volume 7, pages 10-25, chapter 2, CABI, ISBN 978-1780645322, 2015.